Chapter 20 - Psycho Zoe

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~Zoe's POV~

I woke up with less of a headache, but I had slight memories from yesterday flashing in my head. The whole room was different than mine...what's with me waking up in someone else's rooms?

"Ugh, this pillow is so hard", I groaned closing my eyes, trying to sleep more.

"That's because you are lying on my chest", I heard a voice and I jumped up, sitting on the bed, but he pulled me back next to him and smiled.

"Mitch? What are we doing here?", I asked with concern.

"Ugh, long-story-short, we couldn't get into the hotel and we slept over at my friend's house", he said rubbing his eyes, phew, at least some things didn't happen when I was drunk.

"What a night", I said rubbing my eyes and Mitch chuckled.

"I know, but the disaster isn't over", he sighed and I looked at him with a puzzled look.

"What? There's more to this?", I asked.

"Check your phone", he said and handed it to me from the nightstand next to him.

I grabbed my phone and I had about 12 messages from Liam, Zach, Stacy, Jordan and...Matt?

Almost every message I read either asked me where I am, or said that I can't come back to the these people, the drama never ends!

Matt- How's it going in Florida? :)

Reading his text made me miss everyone back home, my football team, Crystal, even Matt himself.

Zoe- Don't.even.ask.

He texted me back almost immidiately and I could sense that Mitch got up from bed, because it wobbled.

Matt- Why? Aren't you having fun?

Zoe- Well, I am..but I just miss everyone from home, that's all :/

Matt- No cute boys? :P

Matt. He always used to ask me about boys, after we broke up, you would expect us to hate eachother, right? No, that wasn't the case with us, we were always good friends, even better friends after the brakeup. Matt never hated when I talk to boys, he even wanted to set me up with one of his friends a couple of months ago, but it never worked out.

Zoe- I have someone in mind..Anyways, how's the training going? Does coach miss me? :P

Matt- He actually does! lol When are you gonna be back home, everyone misses u :'(

Zoe- Probbably next week, I still have to do one last training day before the big game!

Matt- Yeah, I know. :D Well, I gtg coach callin me rn, cya :) xoxo

Zoe- Kk, cya :*

"Where are we going now?", I asked Mitch and got up from bed.

"We have to go to the hotel now, they told me to go to our rooms and check if anything is missing from our stuff", he said with a smile on his face.

"Okay", I answered rubbing my eyes and getting up from bed.

"You ready to go?", Mitch asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I don't have anything to do anyways", I smiled and we went down the stairs.

"Do you guys want breakfast?", someone asked from behind us, I looked back and saw a guy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes smiling at me.

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