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~ Hermione Granger

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~ Hermione Granger

She liked it. The time they spent together and she had started to look forward to it.

Dangerous. Just the way she liked it.

His presence was intelligent and she craved that, and not once did she stop to think how bad she would burn. It didn't matter anymore really. Everything felt like it was coming to an end. Harry and Dumbledore had seen a lull in their search, the information leading them to obscure endings which had only worsened Harry's mental state. She felt a surge of anger thinking about how Dumbledore seemed really passive to Harry's state. It was like he was a lab rat, made to go through the motions, and this treatment had affected the young boy. Her green-eyed friend no longer smiled and appeared to be in a vegetative state, conserving any energy he possessed. He was barely even playing any Qudditich games anymore, now just an honorary member, a fallen legend the others tolerated, though she suspected that had something to do with Ronald Weasley.

A powerful clench in her stomach followed that thought.


She had had to meet him before meeting Malfoy in the library. He had asked her what she and Harry had spoken about. She hadn't told him and she had paid for it. Nothing she couldn't handle, he had been in a hurry to go out with his friends to Hogsmeade for drinks, which meant he wasn't inside her for long.

Hermione Granger needed to think about anything else. She never really sorted through her memories anymore, they had the potential to make her really sick, he made her sick, completely taking over her brain.

But being with Malfoy was like a rebellion she needed. It was a surge of strength at being able to do whatever she wanted to do, pushing out the pieces of Hermione controlled by Ronald, out of her brain. It was almost amusing that it was Malfoy that did this, helped her this way. If he knew, whatever they had would be over, and she would be alone again...

She had a late Herbology class today. She really liked the class, because it was filled with older Ravenclaw's, a smattering of Hufflepuffs, one Slytherin final year and two Gryffindors including herself. The other one was Neville, who was her partner for their assignments usually.

She was decidedly hungry but chose to wait for the rush to be over. She wondered what Harry was up to. Had he even eaten yet?

Gathering her blankets around herself she stuck her wand into her pajama pocket and slipped her feet into her slippers before making her way out of her room.

Slowly walking to the common room, which was deserted and cleaned recently, she could only imagine the mess that had been scattered at the party that took place the previous night, she chose an armchair hidden from plain view and settled herself in it. Curling her legs into her body, she snuggled into its crimson depths before summoning her Herbology text to read. She also made herself a cup of tea, with two flicks of her wand, quick hot water, a dollop of tea leaves.

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