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Worry that I couldn't seem to get rid of caused me to shift uncomfortably in my seat

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Worry that I couldn't seem to get rid of caused me to shift uncomfortably in my seat. Ever since that fight I had with Sin, I've felt this heavy weight on my shoulders that I carry with me everywhere I go. The guilt hasn't stopped stirring inside me; as if it wanted to let me know that it was still present.

I caught the sudden movements of Flaco in the corner of my eye. She vigorously typed something on her phone that consumed all of her attention. I luckily caught a bit of the text she had sent.

'..done it yet?'

My eyebrows automatically knitted together in confusion as I turned my body towards her. "Who are you texting?" I hummed. She flickered her orbs up to mine and smiled slightly, thinking I was jealous. "Why do you wanna know?" She playfully questioned as she swirled strands of black hair around her index finger.

I masked my neutral expression with a stern one, causing her to sigh in defeat. "Chill, Spook. I'm just texting Fernando."

I grabbed the almost empty beer bottle from beside me. "Tell him to come over here. We've got business to attend to later." I demanded before taking a big swig. The jet black strands of hair bounced in the slightest as she nervously scratched the back of her head. "Uh, he's not here right now. He won't be able to make it." She stammered.

I glanced at her with the same stern expression signaling her to do as I say. "He really can't-"

"Are you lying to me? You know I don't like that, Flaco." I hissed. Her dark brown eyes that were adorned by the eyeliner she always wore, filled themselves with panic. "I- I.." She breathed out. I patiently waited for her to continue, yet nothing followed. She swiftly stood up and attempted to walk away. I wrapped my hand around her wrist and pulled her back.

"You're lying. What is it?" I queried sternly. Tears filled her eyes as she stared into my hard ones. "Please promise me you won't get mad.." She whispered. I kept my gaze on her, not providing her with an answer. She bit her bottom lip in attempt to fight back the tears. "I.. ordered Fernando to kill Sin." Diana clarified while avoiding my intense gaze.

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