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'Don't worry. The butterflies are coming soon.'


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She cautiously scanned her surroundings while slowly measuring the white substance

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She cautiously scanned her surroundings while slowly measuring the white substance. I hated this. I could've protected Rico yet, here I am. Strings of concern and worry coursed through her being. She hadn't heard anything from Oscar in almost two days. She didn't know where Kalana had brought Rico to and if he was even safe. A powerful blow landed on her knee. Her legs gave away, and folded beneath her. Tears threatened to fall from the brim of her eyes.

She tightly held onto her knee and flickered her glossy eyes upward. A tall, well-built man stood before her. He looked as if he was in his late forties. "When I tell you to pack the snow, you pack the snow. We don't have much time on our hands, including you, muñeca. Chop chop." He threatened calmly while gesturing his head towards the station she worked at.

While still tightly grabbing ahold of her knee, Sin stumbled towards the table with packages of cocaine scattered along it. "You should listen." A girl beside Sin whispered while keeping her orbs trained on the drugs she was hastily packing. Sin darted her eyes over to the many guards scattered along the spacious warehouse. "If you make one more move like that, they'll shoot you. Trust me."

Sin studied her out of the corner of her eyes. The dull lighting did her dark complexion no justice; her skin resembled the healthy soil that graced the earth, her eyes were luminous and full of joy once, she was sure. But now, they were two pairs of dreary, brown eyes. Her big, curly afro cascaded past her neck and stopped at her shoulder blades. "How long have you been here?" Sin whispered curiously.

Toño walked past, his hands tucked behind his back while attentively examining the packaged goods. He glanced her way and shot Sin a wink before scurrying off. "Three years." The young girl managed to choke out. The knife threatened to slip of out Sin's hands. She quickly tightened her grip and regained composure.

"How did that happen?"

"Don't worry, the butterflies are coming soon

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"Don't worry, the butterflies are coming soon.." Oscar chanted for the eighth time. He still held Rico's limp body in his arms, trying to provide some type of warmth to reduce the cold that engulfed the child's body like a cloak. The blood had stopped pouring now. The only blood that was left was the amount that coated Oscar's body. He had been coated in the blood of his enemies and family but this? This was worse. How dare that bitch take him away from me?

Oh, Sin.. A sob left his lips. How would she react to this? Would she still love me? Rico brought us together the time we broke up. What if she would end it permanently this time?

He was so engulfed in his jarring thoughts that he hadn't noticed a new presence in the room. "Dios mío.." A deep voice hummed in despair. He darted his eyes over to the source. Sad Eyes stood in the doorway with his hand upon his heart. "H-He's dead, mano." Oscar stammered as a new sea of tears forged their way down his cheeks.

"Come on," Sad Eyes said while striding towards him. It was now that he realized the machine Sad Eyes held in his hands. "I need to cut your cuffs." He elaborated when he saw the expression that was etched upon Oscar's face. He pulled a string that was attached to the machine, roaring the saw to life.

Oscar rubbed his bare, irritated wrists. Sad Eyes gave him a nod of appreciation and proceeded to walk out of the room, knowing what Oscar had to do. He crouched down and loomed over Rico's little body. He bit his lip while avoiding to meet his lifeless gaze. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm so sorry she took your precious life. I should've done more. I could've done more. And for that, you shouldn't forgive me. You'll always be in my heart, hombrecito. I love you." He weeped. He reached his trembling hands out and slid his eyelids shut.

He glanced down at the cold piece of weaponry that laid in his hand. "You good, fool?" Julio questioned at his dazing state. Oscar looked up and nodded absentmindedly. "I'm good. Let's go." He muttered while cocking his head into the direction of a large, mahogany door that sheltered the living room the warehouse had. "Wait," Sad Eyes jeered.

Oscar turned around and parted his lips to speak, until his gaze landed upon the green lowlanders which stood parked outside. "What the fuck, Alejandro?!" He shrieked. Sad Eyes rolled his eyes and sighed. "We using my government name now?" Oscar shot him a stern glance causing him to exhale another sigh. "I had to do this. Los Zetos got us outnumbered, mano. We roll up together with the Prophets, pop some shit off and then we're back to enemies." Elaborted Sad Eyes.

Jose sent him a cautious nod before opening the emergency exit door. There he stood. The Prince Prophet, the man he'd been beefing with for years, even before Los Santos. "Wassup, G?" Greeted PP nonchalantly. Oscar tightly clenched his jaw and rubbed his temples in attempt to ease the stress. "Let's get this over with." He growled in deep annoyance.

After the eleventh, he had lost count on how many people he had killed. Yet, he couldn't seem to find one fiber in his body which cared. They took Rico from him. My Rico.

He mercilessly began squeezing the trigger, the deadly bullets zooming through the air and causing people their demise. "Spooky!" Julio yelled above the ear-deafening noise. He pointed towards a door which held the girls captive. Oscar stormed towards the room and immediately trailed his eyes along the chaos. Countless of women and girls dressed in nothing but white lace underwear scurried away from their workplaces. He kept searching yet, he couldn't find her.

Raising the weaponry high in the chaotic air, he released two bullets. The noise immediately subsided and the fearful eyes of the women were glued upon Oscar's daunting figure. "Where's she?" He exclaimed loudly, his voice booming and utterly dominant. A sob caught his attention, his orbs trailed across the crowd and laid upon her. Sin rushed towards him and tightly wrapped her arms around him while her soul's pain rolled down her cheeks.

Oscar exhaled a sigh of relief he didn't know he held and returned the embrace. He breathed in her scent. Her mouthwatering scent was almost enough to soothe his pain. Almost. "You're not going anywhere, perra." A voice hissed from between the subsided chaos. Toño swiftly slid his gun out of his holster.

Oscar tightened his grip around Sin and promptly sheltered her body with his large one. Five ear piercing gun shots sounded.

His body fell to the ground, the warmth of life stolen by the cold embrace of death. The impact of his limp, lifeless body was synced with the wails of the women, who were watching closely, hoping for a different outcome. Fernando sprinted over, forgetting the fatigue in his swaying legs from the ongoing battle, desperate to find any remaining flickers of life in his body, but was met with cold silence.

"Oscar!" Sin sobbed while firmly grasping the bloodied cloth of his shirt in her fists.

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