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'May God have mercy upon my enemies, cause I won't.'


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I pulled Rico closer to myself as the muscular guy who kidnapped us strode towards us

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I pulled Rico closer to myself as the muscular guy who kidnapped us strode towards us. "Aye, zorra! It's work time," He chimed with a mischievous smile lining his lips. Rico held tighter onto me, while leaning down to my ear as I carried him in my arms. "The butterflies are coming soon. Don't worry." He whispered quickly. Immediate confusion swirled along my features as I glanced down at him. He was swiftly taken away from me by a young woman.

"He's so cute, isn't he?" She cooed while caressing Rico's nose who uncomfortably shifted under her touch. "Don't put your hands on him." I hissed venomously. She flickered her dark eyes up to me and chuckled softly. "You kno' who I am?" She adverted her gaze down my body before dragging her eyes back to my face. "I'm Kalana. Better known as Reina con Los Zetos. Your novio knocked my sister up and caused her a miscarriage. It would be unfortunate for Rico here to die.. wouldn't it, papito?"

I lunged forward and attempted to connect my fist with her face yet, Toño shot his hand out and savagely slapped me across the face. "You don't touch the Reina." He glowered, his eyes focused on me like an animal ready to pounce on its prey.

"Say bye bye, Rico." Kali smiled before striding out of the room with him in her arms. Toño, who's gaze never left me, slowly beelined towards me. "Sobrenita, Spooky ain't never told me how much junk's in your trunk." He purred while freely roaming his hands along my body. I froze completely, unable to move, "Oh my, oh my.." He slid his hand into my jeans allowing me to fully comprehend the daunting situation.

I pushed him as hard as I could manage and ran towards the unlocked door. Just as I swung it open, a heavyset chola stood in the doorway, her eyebrows raised at the sight of me. "Work time, perra." She grinned before roughly grabbing ahold of my arm and dragging me towards the spacious part of the warehouse. Hundreds of women walking around in white lace underwear were working on packaging millions of dollars in drugs. "It's like a paradiso, Isn't it?" The chola smirked, "Now, get to work. Aye! If this perra right here doesn't comply to the rules of the Reina, kill her." She screeched towards the three men who guarded the large metal doors.

Guard up, Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now