19 - #Thirstyfaceass

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Two weeks later 

It was 1 something in the morning when the girls started to cry. They're now two weeks old and i'm exhausted. I was prepared for it though. When the bottle warmer dinged i grabbed both bottles and took them into the living room where the girls were laying in their bassinets.

Nylah was still up while Noella dozed back off. I was happy she did because i couldn't feed them both at the same time by my self. Chris, he helped alot, he let me get alot of rest but i let him go and have some time to go out with his friends. I could handle the girls alone, for now at least. it's hard taking care of a baby. even harder when there's two, it doesn't matter how old you are. 

"Ny, you ready to eat?" i cooed softly with a faint smile, she made a tiny noise as i picked her up and pressed the nipple of the bottle to her mouth. She gladly started to drink with constant slurps, i knew she was still sleepy because she used one of her hands to rub her eye. 

"Just go to sleep Nylah," i whispered sitting down with my legs crossed. my legs were pretty chilly, when i went to bed i had on a long sleeve shirt and some pants, i was cold but not to long ago, before the girls woke up i had a post partrum heat flashes and i ended up stripping down to my underwear with Chris' t-shirt. 

 Within minutes i burped Ny, and placed her in her bassinet so she could rest. I was going to just let Noella sleep instead of feeding her but i didn't want the bottle to go to waste. I wouldn't want to be off because one bottle could make a difference since im breast feeding both of them. Picking Ella up, she frowned because she was moved. I went ahead and pressed the bottle to her small mouth. 

Over the weeks they been home, they've grown some traits from Chris and I. They both got Chris hair color, and nose. Nylah has both his eye shape and eye color while as Noella has his eye shape and my eye color. Even though their ideical twins, they don't look alike much, alot of differences between the two. 

 "Why are you staring at mommy like that Ella?" I cooed, she opened her eyes a few minutes ago and have been staring at me as she drunk from her bottle for the longest without blinking. I love having my girls around, I'm happy I'm finally a mother. nearly ten months ago, i was depressed that i was alone.

After me and Ella had a stare down, she blinked and started to whine loudly which made Ny wake up whining a bit. They're both alert so sometimes the smallest sounds could wake them. Sighing, i scoped both of them into my arms and took them upstairs to change them. When you become a mother, it becomes a routine that after they eat their diaper is full. 

After changing them and changing their onsie because i decided to give them a small wash up because the outfit Chris put them in made them sweat, he calmed it was cold and he didn't want them to get sick. He probably doesn't notice it but he get very protective over them and i find it cute. 

After all that, they both went to sleep. I placed them back in their cribs and by then it was 15 minutes after 2 am. I stay in their room for about five minutes to make sure they didn't wake up. When they didn't, i went ahead and went back into my room. I decided to take a quick shower for the hell of it. 

I'm that weird to be honest. 

When i come back out of the bathroom, i was cold as hell. forgot a freaking towel. Standing in front of my dresser i pulled out a t-shirt and some shorts when i felt a present behind me. I knew it was Chris but how he sneaks inside without making any sound is something else. 

"Where your clothes at?" he said, i turned around while pulling the shirt over my head. "I was just putting them on is that a problem?" 

"Yes" he said point down. I looked down to see his viable hard on. 

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