20 - One On One

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"Short Short" I called, Vivian looked up from talking to her father and glared at me. She hates being called short but it's funny as hell. I glared back at her playfully which made her laugh and caused her father to look at the both of us with an amused eyebrow and shake his head. 

"Why are you staring at her from afar, looking like an creep." Keeis said, i looked up. "I wasn't staring nigga." i mumbled, he placed his arm on my shoulder. "That's what all creeps say." 

"And you would know this because your ass is one too." 

He shrugged, "Maybe so," 

I shook my head at this nigga, Keeis a damn fool, i swear. Looking back where Vivian was still talking to her dad, her mom and older brother came over so i decided to just go get something to drink. Earlier, Vivian decided to just invite family and friends over for dinner, that was made by her. V can throw down in the kitchen.

When i got a bottle water out of the kitchen i went upstairs to check up on the girls, they're fell asleep before we ate so we put them down and i was happy as hell because Noella likes to put her hands in my plate thinking she could eat it. 

Nylah and Noella are almost two months old, they gotten big too. They sleep more during the day and me and Vivian try to get them to stay up since they'll be awake during the night and we can't get sleep. Me singing to them kidda make them go to sleep more, they don't cry much. "Chris where are you?" I heard Vivian voice as she walked up the steps. I poked my out of the kids room and she seen me. 

"They're still sleep right?" she asked, i nodded, We put them in the same crib because they always sleeping on each other. To be honest i think they sleep longer when they are together. "Yeah." She smiled and grabbed my arm guiding me out of their room and back down stairs. I licked my lips as i looked at her outfit. She had on a dress, it was casual but her back was exposed it fitted her now flatten stomach and her breast seemed more fuller. 

You don't understand how much i just wanted to fuck the shit out this girl. 


(Next day)

"Don't take my babies!" i whined, Chris held my waist as my mom and Chris' buckled Nylah and Noella into their car seats. Our mothers both had smiles on their faces as if this was funny this was no where near funny this is heart breaking!

Chris kissed my inner neck as we sat on the couch, he had his arms wrapped around my waist pretty tightly so i couldn't get up and guard the door. "Babe, they're just spending the weekend with our mom's it'll be fine." he whispered with a slight chuckle. He's laughing but this is making me sad. The girls never left this house without me since they been home. 

"That's too long," I mumbled, If it was one day i think i could live and i was here. But no it's three days and I'll be in Malibu... I don't think i could do it. 

"It'll be so fun that you won't have to worry about them, their in good hands." he mumbled, i don't know why but i think this 'fun' means something else. 

"Vivian, Nylah and Noella will be fine, you two need a break!" My mother said, Joyce nodded in agreement. I poked my bottom lip out, yeah i know having two newborns is a hassle but it's only been two months, you don't understand how attached i am. 

Nylah and Noella were both deep asleep in their car seats, Noella was sucking on a pacifier while as Nylah spit her out and it was somewhere in the car seat, she really don't like them. "Mommy babies." i cooed softly, Chris finally let me go so i could look at them before they go, 

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