Bonus Chapter : Thanksgiving

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  • Dedicated to To anybody that loves this story :)

I'm back... Lmao with a bonus chapter because i just wanted to add something else and i missed writing for this story lol. So don't get surprised if there's some other bonus chapters.... *Hint Hint* (Maybe Christmas..... New years..) Lol maybe. 

Hopefully you all like this and don't find it corny Lol. This is a little something.  

Oh yeah, Happy Thanksgiving everyone hope you all are having a wonderful one. :) Have fun and drive safe (if you drive.)

- Kennedy

add me on snapchat doe :) killemkayyy


Thanksgiving Day 


"Chris come get your daughters!" I yelled as i watched the girls ran around the living room with only their underwear on, i tried to put their clothes on but they want to play. 

"Quit all that yelling before you make your self go into labor." He muttered, i thumped the back of his head and he held the spot before mumbling something else. I sat on the couch and let my head rest against the cushion, i was only eight months into my pregnancy and i was big enough to be mistaken as over term pregnancy. 

At first, Chris questioned the size and wanted to make sure it was one kid but we made sure.. Plenty of times. "Daddy put us down!" I heard Nylah scream playfully, Chris walked in from wherever he found them and sat them on the couch next to me. 

"Ugh. Chris you dress them please... I'll go help our moms cook." I whined, he nodded and took the outfits i had on my lap and went upstairs with the girls. I was helping cook at first but i took a break to wake up the girls from their naps  and give them a bath. Walking into the kitchen, I watched as my mother and mama j talked and laughed about different things. After four years they became nearly best friends.

"Ma you need any help?" I asked, I didn't know what else to do since they finished what I started.

"Unless you wanna set the table there's nothing else. Your father is almost done with frying the turkey though." she said I looked on the kitchen Island and picked up the stack of plates along with the silver wear. 

Placing everything neatly and presentable on the table,  I sighed before resting my hand on my stomach to feel my munchie change her position.  Me and Chris haven't decided on names and we're staying away from the 'N' category. Hopefully. 

"Mommy!" Noella skipped into the kitchen, she was fully dress which meant Nylah was most likely giving Chris straight hell. 

Noella was wearing what she said was 'so cute' it was long sleeved shirt with autumn colored leaves on the pocket and she had black skirt with tights. 

I was happy Chris didn't mess up her hair while put on her clothes. 

"Yes baby." I answered.  "Daddy and Nylah are arguing." she exclaimed.  I shook my head Nylah was the one to always get on Chris nerves or always mess with him the most.  She gets whopping from time to time and she still do the same things to get a reaction out of him. 

"Let them agrue. How about we help grandma put the food on the table?" she nodded quickly and I guided her towards the food that was needed to be placed.



"Nylah put your arm through the damn sleeve." she looked at me and kept her arm down. 

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