Always and Forever part 1

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Before we start everything goes to Julie Plec and the other show creators so lets start the show

My name is Y/n(your name) Petrova. Yes, you heard me right Petrova as in Tatia Petrova. Yup I'm her sister we're twins  but we don't look alike. You probably think that I'm human well your wrong. I'm a witch, but I'm also a werewolf. But when Esther wanted to turn her children she tried it on me first. I know what your thinking 'won't that take my wolf and witch sides away' well your wrong I got turned into a vampire. I have both sides and vampurism. So now I am the first ever tribrid, the first ever Original. I triggered my curse at the age of 14. Now your probably wondering how I know the Mikaelsons. Well I met the Mikaelsons when I was learning magic from Esther. My mother was a witch and my father a wolf. Me and Tatia have the same parents but she was human. I am also a doppleganger. Anywho a month later the Mikaelsons were turned but they didn't know about me. So when they left the werewolfs attacked the village. Everyone died except me. When they left I was sad but I am from a pack, you probably know them now as the Cresent pack. I was in that pack so I have the crescent moon on my back. Any who, the Mikaelsons thought I was dead. So they traveled and mourned. I had a connection with each Mikaelson. All of them loved me in their own ways, some I didn't know about. Finn, we always got along due to his mother teaching me. Elijah to his kindness, generosity, and nobility but what I didn't know is that he also loved me. Rebekah with our love of each other we were like sisters that were inseparable. Kol our love to prank the village and his siblings, he to loved me but I knew and we decided to stay best friends. Niklaus was my friend the man who loved my sister so we honestly told stories of our siblings. We got along well but during that time he loved me as well. Henrik looked up to me because I was kind to him but all the Mikaelsons changed when he died. The youngest gone. So, that is told I followed the Mikaelsons but stayed in the shadows. I was there when the whole family was at the Court. I was there when Niklaus and Elijah met Katerina Petrova or as you know her as Katherine Pierce, we are good friends now. I taught her how to survive. I was there when Rebekah and Klaus met Stefan Salvatore. I was there in New Orleans with all the Mikaelsons except Finn but Kol got himself daggered and Klaus 'adopted' Marcellus(Marcel). When Mikael came for Rebekah, Niklaus and Elijah and made them leave, they didnt know that I was alive. When Marcel was in the fire in the theater. Guess who saved him. Me, so in return I helped him make New Orleans great again. I visited Mystic Falls every once in a while that's how I was able to see the Salvatore brothers and the gang, I also knew there mother and helped deliver both of them so I'm their godmother. I am now the Queen of New Orleans. So I heard the Mikaelsons are back and that Klaus has broken his curse. But what happens when Elijah and Niklaus come back.


Elijah "Over the course of my long life, I have come to believe that we are bound forever to those with whom, we share blood, and while we may not choose our family, that bond can be our greatest strength or our deepest regret...This unfortunate truth has haunted me for as long as I can recall."

Music plays in the city as a small restaurant called Rousseau "So what brings you to the big easy?" a blond bartender asks her customer. "I used to live here." Elijah Mikaelson says to the blond bartender. "really when." "oh, feels like a 100 years ago." "I just moved here myself. What brought you back?" "Well my brother is here somewhere. I'm afraid he might have gotten himself into a bit of a bind." "You say that like its a common occurrence." "Well he's complicated--" " Hi Cami, how you doing." Elijah looks to the side and see's someone he thought he wouldn't see for a long time. " Allison". She looks at him and her eyes widened. "Um, I'm sorry but my names not Allison." "my apologies. You look a lot like someone I knew in Mystic Falls." " It's fine um I'm...'' she thinks for a minute trying to think  of a name that hopefully can get her out as fast as she can think " Cami I see your busy I should go". The familiar lady walks away from Elijah. He tries to think if she's not Alison then who is she. A flash back happens in his mind.

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