chapter 2

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"now I want you to stick with me, sis, and to not freak out, okay?" my sister was near a manhole cover as my arms are just crossed waiting

"I wont freak out, I bet they arent that bad"

"okay" she lifted the manhole cover, it was a few hours when we got here, we heard that Shredder was free so April went to see what happened with her friends. she climbed down into the sewer after having the cover to the side so I can get down. once I was down a bit, April told me to close it, so i did, and started to walk down the ladder some more

once getting to the bottom she motioned me to follow her so I did. it took awhile till we came into a hug open area, which I was wondering on how all this stuff got down here

"wow" was all I could say in awe at what I was looking at, I couldnt believe all this was here

"guys! I want you to meet someone" April called out, snapping me out of my thoughts and getting her friends attention apparently

"what is it April?" a guy in blue bandana mask walked up to her, he had blue eyes, almost the same color as his mask, I could even see he had katanas on the back if his shell, and if I had to be honest, I was a bit shocked to see a human sized turtle talking

"April, who is this?" there another one but this one wore red instead of blue. his mask wrapped around from his eyes and above, he had green eyes like mine, but mine were a bit darker shade. he also had sai's near the side of his shell

"whoa dude, shes so pretty" a orange masked turtle skated next to the red turtle. his eyes were a much lighter blue then the blue mask turtle. he had some shades on a necklace around his neck, and numchucks as a weapon. the red masked turtle smacked the orange ones head once he said that. I then notice a fourth turtle walk over to us confused on whats going on

the fourth turtle had a purple mask on him and a pair of glasses over his eyes, he had reddish brown eyes, he even had goggles on his head and a lot of other stuff he was carrying. as well as a bo staff. he looked like he was nervous when he saw me

"guys, this is my sister, Isabella. Isabella, these are my friends" she looked them as to introduce themselves

"im Leonardo, or Leo for short, im the leader and the oldest" I nodded as he gave me a slight smile to show he wasnt mean "this as Raphel, or Raph, he is a hothead but dont worry, youll get used to him, hes also the second oldest" Raph just grunted looking annoyed

"im Michelango, Mikey, or mikester! im all awesome and always here if you need me" Mikey just wrapped an arm around me which just caused me to chuckle at how childish he was

"whatever you say Mikey" getting his hand off me as he still was smiling

"im Donatello. Donnie, Don, or D for short" he gave a kind smile making me feel glad I actually came, because if I didnt, I wouldnt have meet these cool turtles

"we're not going to hurt you" Leo says looking at me and I just fake a smile, him not noticing

"well its nice to finally meet you guys" I smiled at them showing that it was really nice to meet them but in my head 'thats what they all say' but I dont say it out loud

"what do you mean finally?" Leo asked

"well, i knew my sister had you guys as friends but she wouldnt let me meet you guys or tell me what you guys looked like"

"well can we trust you to keep our secret safe?" Raph looked at me suspiciously

"course you can, im not exactly what youd call a blabber mouth" i smirk at Raph which i just get a grunt out if him

"you should go meet master splinter, our sensei" Leo took bring me to where a giant rat was standing

"sensei, we want you to meet April's sister, Isabella" splinter looked at me with a kind smile

"hello child, it is good to meet you, I presume that you can be trusted with not telling anyone about us?"

"I can assure you sensei that I will not tell anyone about your secret" I bowed to be polite to him, knowing that since he is their master, that he is stronger than the turtles so I didnt want to mess with him

"thats much appreciated miss Isabella" splinter says as I nod and leave with Leo to give splinter his peace

Leo told me while we were going to the others, that the other turtles were his brothers, the order, Leo, Raph, Donnie, then Mikey

once we were back to the brothers and my sister, April spoke up confused "okay, so he just vanished?"

"wait, wait, wait. if I run the video from my shoulder camera through an electrostatic filter, we might be able to see what happened to Shredder" Donnie was working away at his computer and looking up every once and awhile to look at the screen

"shoulder camera? cool" I smile, but didnt notice Donnie glance at me while l looked at the screen above

"come on. show me something, buddy" Leo moved next to Donnie before saying that

"look! right there!" I point to the screen you can see Shredder being pulled into something. we were all confused on what it was, well except me and im guessing Donnie, considering he knows his how to work this stuff

"it appears to be some kind of residue from a teleportation event" Donnie looked shocked

"yeah, teleportation event residue, man. its the worst" Mikey asked, but i knew he was clueless

"you have no idea what that is, do you Mikey?" I look at him, Donnie was looking at Mikey as well

"no I do not" him admitting he had no clue just made me chuckle

"does that kind of technology even exist? Raph was actually curious

"Baxter Stockman's been working on this kind of tech for years" saying that made Donnie and the others look at me "i used to be a big fan of him" after saying that they look back at the screen

"all of that stuff that we pulled off of his iPad, it was full of information about Shredder and the foot clan. it was like a virtual playbook! Baxter has to have a backup. and i bet its on the mainframe at TCRI. Donnie I need something. what do you got?" me and April turned as Donnie stuck his tongue out a bit, which I found adorable, and looked like he knew what we needed

"wait," Donnie grabbed a box filled with some devices and gadgets that look like he made "I know exactly what you two need," he pulled out what likes like a flash drive "totally plug-and-play" my sister looked at me knowing im better at the this stuff. I grab it out of Donnie hand, but I didnt notice a tint of pink on his face when I grabbed it from his hand

"perfect. we'll go and check it out" I look at my sister as we go to walk out and head to the surface

"we'll go with. operate in support" Raph and the others started to follow us but April stops them

"wait. the suns coming up. you can't go outside. you'll be seen" after she said that the brothers sign in frustration, mostly Raph

I could tell they wanted to help out and not wait around doing nothing. I did feel bad for them to be frank

(thats today's chapter I hope you enjoyed, sorry its crappy like my other stuff. Welp anyways, see you guys in the next chapter, Boi~)

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