chapter 5

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I looked up smiling at Donnie as he was standing on a fake planet in the museum "wow. the American museum of national history. ive always wanted to come here" Donnie looked around in awe while he was up there

Leo walked past me as I looked at him when he spoke "quite screwing around, Donnie. thirty seconds till the cops are at the door" as soon as Leo says that I walk over to some stone thing and lean on it as Donnie lands on the floor putting his goggles on scanning the area is what it looks like. the blinding light hits Leo in the eyes "Donnie...whoa" be backs up a bit after the light goes past him

Donnie scans the object im leaning on and smiles a bit as they both walk over towards me and the rock "boo-yah" standing up i move out of the way staring at the rock as Donnie continues "Shredder and the mutants were definitely here" he brings up a visible diagram from some device on his shoulder and taps some stuff on it. i go behind the rock and jump a bit hanging onto it, while still trying to examine it "and im detecting traces of neutronium" a purple thing lights in the rock

"neutronium?" i repeat as i knock on the rock a bit, a little Intrigued at what was exactly inside the rock

"yes, its the critical ingredient required for creating a controlled black hole" I looked at Donnie in shock, not liking the sound of that at all "which is the only thing capable of rupturing the space-time continuum. and you know what that means!" Donnie turns around to Leo who was clueless

"no. I don't, Donnie" Leo looks at his brother like he hasnt realized that hes the smart one on the team

"it means, Shredder may not be as nuts as we thought. from the data Donnie just collected, he's saying, that what was inside this thing," tapping the rock. i jumped down walking over to the two brothers "may help Shredder open a portal to another dimension" looking at Leo as i say that. Donnie was still shocked that i knew so much about this stuff

"okay, what I want to know is, if a portal's gonna open up, what's coming through from the other side?" Leo questions to no one particular. all three of you looked up


while we were on the train back to the lair, Donnies phone began to right. I was below him, him keeping me from pretty much flying off the train. he answered his phone

"oh, hey, Mikey. what's up?" Donnie put his hand back down next to me, Leo and I looked at Donnie know hearing him yelling into it

"mayday, mayday, mayday!" was all I could hear on his end

"whats going on?" Leo asked Mikey through the phone and Mikey was still yelling as he continued

"the foot clan have the purple ooze! we need backup at police headquarters right now!" I heard on the other end

"hang tight, Mikey. we'll be right there" Donnie ends the call and picks me up and jumps after Leo making sure I dont get hurt

"we're on the move"


Donnie and set me down on a building making sure I stay there so I dont get hurt as well as into any trouble, I reluctantly nod as him and Leo jump down from the building crashing into the window, only to have a guard on both different sides of them, Donnie looked panicked as Leo looked calm. I heard a police officer call them monsters from the top of the building, which made my blood boil at how cruel people are in this world, the turtles are the hero's and its sad they can't even take credit for it

after a few minutes you see electricity and notice it was just Donnie's Bo shooting electric out of it, the brothers all run out of the police headquarters and climb/jump up the building you were on. Donnie just picked me up as they all headed to the lair knowing they were all very hurt, mainly Donnie and Mikey

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