chapter 7

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I was sitting with Donnie in his lab, he wasnt doing anything. he was just staring at something he was making. I was worried about Donnie and Mikey, they were the most sensitive to feelings, yes Raph has feelings I know, but the two youngest brothers feelings get hurt easier, Raph acts like its no big deal

"hey, you okay, Donnie?" I tap his shoulder and he turns around very quickly in a slight panic. he relaxes once he sees me

"yeah, yeah, im fine. just thinking" Donnie looks at the ground lost in thought

"what are you thinking about?"

"did you mean what you said back there? to Leo?" he looked up at me

"yes I did, hurtful words can drive someone away, even people that are special to you. so most of the time we should think of what we say to someone" all of a sudden there was rumbling in the lair "what is that?" looking up as brick dust was falling. Donnie had turned to his invention but looked up as we see a lot of rumbling. Donnie gets up and walks out and I notice all the brothers have walked out looking at each other

"whats happening out there, Donnie?" as soon as he's mentioned, the genius walks to his computers to see what was wrong. knowing already I was following him and so were the others

"oh, my gosh. Shredder did it. the portal's opening" it looked like a nasty storm to me almost like a tornado but went away, but in its place was a little like a hole

"I dont like the looks if this, guys. not one bit" things started coming out of the hole in the sky

"amazing. this alien warship is coming through piece by piece" this isnt good "hacking into the main data core" Donnie was frantically typing at his computer "okay. ship's designate is the Technodrome"

"the technodrome? it doesnt sound scary but i still dont like the sound of that" I hug my arms as I look at the screen Donnie was using

"yes, commanding officer goes by the name of Krang" Donnie turns to look at Mikey as I just look at Mikey as well as he speaks

"I dont know that guy, but I hate that guy!" all of them walks bit away from it but Donnie walks away from the computer as Donnie continues

"if Krang were to finish building this thing," he points to his screen showing a piece of the warship "it wouldn't just be a ship. it would be a war machine that would end all life here. it would be the end of the world. but there is something we can do" at that I purk up and look at the smart turtle curious "the atmosphere around the technodrome would be toxic to anyone with a standard cardiovascular system" I know what that meant

"what are you saying?" Leo was confused

Donnie shakes his head a bit knowing his brothers dont understand what hes saying "we may be the only ones who can survive around that portal, the only ones who can get close enough to this technodrome to shut it down" he points to his screen

"but how? we're being hunted. they think we're monsters" I didnt like the way people thought of these guys, the turtles weren't monsters, they just love this city and want to protect it

"yeah, we're gonna need the cops at our backs. they're trying to lock us up"

Donnie thinks for a bit and licks his lips getting an idea "unless..." I could tell he wasnt smiling


Donnie opens a hatch and pulls the ooze out holding it out to his brothers. Donnie looked at his brothers, even me. I didnt like the idea of them being human, I grew to love the turtles just the way they are, but I had no say in this matter and I knew that. Donnie held out the canister of ooze they argued about earlier walking over to me and his brothers "one sip, and we'll stay the same on the inside, but look like humans on the outside" after saying that he handed the ooze to the leader and oldest of the brothers, Leo sighing, splinter speaking up

"your boyhood is drawing to an end. your becoming young men. the choice is yours" their father was very wise, for a rat. I looked at Leo who held the ooze looking back at it, Donnie watched his brother and so was Mikey, Raph just stared at the ground with his arms crossed

"if it means anything to you guys. i didnt think much about the word 'normal', but being normal is honestly very boring and very overrated. i love the word unique, and in all honesty, your four are all unique in your own way, not because you act like teenagers, but you guys are ninjas, and huge turtles. also, i envy you guys a lot, up there is boring doing the same thing everyday, and you have to work for money, but down here your free to do whatever not having to worry about a job. i wish i had your guys life" i rubbed my arm through half of what i said, they all were shocked and even i was shocked at mystery for what i said, i saw Donnie, Mikey, and Leo smile, Raph was motionless

Leo now looks back at the ooze and sighs "ill do whatever you guys say" looking at all his brothers he continues "it's your call" Mikey looked at Leo then to Donnie, causing Donnie to look at Raph who looks back at Donnie then steps forward and grabs the ooze looking at it

all the brothers look at Raph, which Raph glances at Mikey then Raph turned around and throws the ooze. all of us watch as we were shocked Raph did that. it hit the wall making it shatter and the ooze covered the spot it hit. the sound made me flinch a bit. awhile later I got out of the sewers reuniting with my sister, me and her knew the turtles would come out which was apparently April's plan

"you're sure they're coming?"

"they're coming"

after that there was a second of silence when I saw one of the brothers green fingers come out of one of the man hole cover. Raph came out with Donnie at the cover that was the farthest from us, while Leo and Mikey came out of the other cover. I could hear the police guns clicking getting ready to shoot them. which I didnt like at all. the guys all stood up straight once they were out of the sewers. Leo and Mikey holding their hands up showing they meant no harm

"hold your fire" as some of the cops repeated what she said she then continued "what are you?" she had a hint of surprise in her voice like she didnt believe what was in front if her

"we're not really into labels" Mikey starts off

"some call us freaks. monsters" Leo added after Mikey

me, April, Casey, and Fenwick all stand next to the head of police when Raph finishes for his brothers "lets just say we're four brothers from New York who hate bullies and love this city" this time Donnie spoke

"and right now, we're the city's best hope" when Donnie said that the woman scoffed which ticked me off because he was telling the truth

"why should I believe you?"

"you dont have to take it from us" he looked at Vern "take it from him" Leo points at Vern that was next to the woman causing her to look at Vern as well

"go ahead, Vernon" April urged him to speak "tell her about the arrangement"

"what arrangement?" Vernon looked at the turtles. all of then were looking at him and Raph cracks his knuckles and I just walk over to him punching his arm making him yelp and rub where I hit him "oh, that... arrangement. look, the falcon is still the falcon. I just may have gotten by with a little help from my friends" I walked back over to my sister standing next to her "these four are the ones who took Shredder down the first time. I was kind of more a wingman" Vern finishes as I was actually shocked they took down Shredder. I always knew that Vern never took him down himself, he was always to scared to even ask my sister out because he was scared of me

"we've been doing our part to protect this city from the shadows" Mikey and Leo smiled and just then we heard a clang or something as a ton of huge pieces of metal flew over us making us all watch it wondering what it was. well except for, I was just wondering why did it have to be this city "and we think we have something to offer"

Raph walks up "we're gonna need... strategy" he holds his hand out as Leo walks up and puts his hand on it

"instinct" Mikey puts his hand on Leo's as he adds in

"logic" Donnie then puts his hand on Mikey's adding in as well

"and boatloads of heart" I felt like Donnie was looking at me but I shook it away knowing I was just making myself think that as they shot their hands up smiling

(sorry the song isnt in English, im just doing songs that have the Donatello from the movie in them. I usually want to fit the song with characters from the story, Welp hope you enjoy the chapter, see you in the next one my kitties!~)

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