Chapter Seven

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Mommy is sitting on the couch drinking her tea. I am playing with my dolls. Then boots comes in. Boots isn't very nice. Boots stumbles to the kitchen to get something. Mommy gets up to help him, mommy is very nice. Then I hear a loud smack. Mommy is on the ground, and boots is hurting her. I don't know how, but he is hurting her.

"MOMMY! NO!" I try to scream at Boots. That was a bad idea. Boots comes over to me and kicks me hard in the stomach. I can't breathe. Boots starts to whip me with his belt. "No, stop please!" I whimper. I cover my face, if I close my eyes maybe it will go away. Finally I am numb and Boots walks back over to mommy. Mommy isn't moving. Boots runs out of our house and I slide down to mommy. "Mommy? Wake up Mommy!" but yet she doesn't move. "MOMMY! MOMMY!" I viciously shake her. "MOMMY!"

I shoot up, breathing heavily. I look around the room and it is still pitch black outside. I place my hand on my forehead and try to steady my breathing. It was just a nightmare. It was just a nightmare. I continue to try to slow my breathing. My heart continues to beat frantically, trying to grasp for reality. I look down and see Elvis, remembering I am at his house. I need to be quiet so that I don't wake him, I need a drink of water though. His arms are partially wrapped around me like ivy. I try to move without waking him while continuing to get some air in my lungs. He shifts and groans and I freeze. I don't want to wake him. He stirs more and then his eyes flicker open. "Hey" his voice hushed. "Hey, go back to sleep" my voice wavers. I suppose Elvis can hear the panic in my voice and leans up on his elbow. He watches my face for a minute trying to read me, "What's the matter honey" concern in his tone. "Nothing, just a bad dream. Go back to sleep" I try to reassure him, and myself. Elvis lays back down and tugs at my arm to bring me with him. I lay back down and snuggle into his warm chest and he wraps me in his arms. I drift off.

The final bell rings for school and I hurry out to my locker. Elvis and I drove separately to school since I had driven over to his house. I try to hurry and get my things so I can get home. The only thought on my mind right now is to get home. I need to get home. Unfortunately Elvis comes up and leans on his locker and watches me. "Honey are you alright? You have seemed ya know, outta sorta since you woke up with your nightmare" he asks in curiosity. "Elvis I am fine, I am just worried about my parents I need to get home" I close my locker door, swiftly kiss Elvis and then head out to my car. Elvis follows close behind and before I can drive off he comes up to the car. "Well I was thinkin we could go out tonight, ya know like I said yesterday" he smiles at me. "I need to take care of a few things first, then you can pick me up. Say, Six?" "Six it is baby, see you then" he kisses me sweetly on the cheek and lets me go. I speedily drive down and up the roads to arrive to my house. I hurry out of my car and up and into my home. As I walk in I find my parents on the phone, worry engraved into there faces. My father turns to see me and hangs up the phone. Both my parents run up to me and embrace me. "Well what's the matter?" I had no clue what was going on. They both took a step back and now I see anger in there faces. I don't have time for there lectures, I need to talk to them both. I interrupt them of there thoughts to lecture me "Please, don't be mad I need to tell both of y'all something very important" I squeak out. They both stare at me and silently nod there heads.We move over to the living room and sit down. They watch me and I look down at my hands.

"The dreams are back" I'm practically whispering. I don't look at them. I can feel their fear blazing into me. After a moment of silence my mother speaks up, "The dreams, they are back?" she chokes out. I mutely nod my head and look up at her as tears weld up in my eyes. My mother stands up and walks over to me sitting down. She takes my hands in hers and wipes away the tears on my cheeks. She looks to my father and he nods his head. He quietly walks over to our phone and picks it up. I know exactly who they are calling. "Hello Operator, Doctor Moe please" he whispers into the phone. In an hours time our doorbell rings and my father answers the door. Doctor Moe walks in and shakes my mothers hand and then mine. He sits down across from me and pulls out his notes. "Describe the dream" he quickly gets to the point. I nod and breathe.

"It was my mother, and Boots again. The same type of dream as it has always been" I whisper. He jots down some notes and then there is a knock at our door. I quickly remembered I agreed to a date with Elvis tonight. I stand up and shuffle over to the door. I crack it just barely open and see him. "Hey, I am here for my date" he says and chuckles. I weakly smile up at him and look down. "Elvis, right now isn't a good time. Rain check for tomorrow?" I don't want to see his reaction. "What? I-I thought that?" the hurt in his voice kills me. "I know Elvis, just not today. Tomorrow, okay?" I look up at him, tears well up in my eyes again. He sees the pain in my eyes and his brows come together in confusion. "Honey, what's wrong?" he reaches up to wipes away the tears. I look back into our house. "Elvis, please. Tomorrow" I say again and close the door. I walk back into the living room and sit down.

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