Chapter Ten

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Natalya Kozlovsky:

"And then she wouldn't shake my hand, I have never met anyone who would not shake my hand" I explained to the girls in the car as we drove to our first destination on the road tour.

"Don't think nothin' of it Natalya, girls here get jealous easy" a girl named Bettie who was driving said. I sighed and then looked out the window. Finally another girl named Lucy pointed out that we had arrived. Thank baby Jesus, I don't think I could have taken much more of the girls talking about who they wanted to get with on the tour. I got out of the car and got my things, I said goodnight to the girls and headed to my room at the motel. Once I finally got into my room I pulled out my book and sat on my bed to read. Then there was a knock at my door, I sighed and got up to open the door. The door swings open and there stood another girl from the tour.

"Hello darlin, I'm June Carter, just making sure everyone got to there rooms safely" she hums out.

"Well I am here" I smile at her. She nods her head and walks down the balcony to the next door. I close my door and then decide to go to bed.

The next morning I have to get up early for the show. I am getting ready until there is banging on my door.

"I am coming! Would you just wait!" I holler from inside as I zip up my pants, and pull on my crop top. I finally brush my hair to the side as it always is and look at the blue eyed girl staring back at me in the mirror. It will do. I open the door and there is Bettie and Lucy.

"What?!" I practically shout at them.

"You are on in twenty Natalya!" they shout in unison. I nod and then we head to the stage. Finally when I get back stage I remember I am barefoot and my shoes are in the car. I run back and get them and then run backstage again. I go behind one of the curtains and start putting them on when I can hear the manager of the tour worrying himself to death. I rolled my eyes and attempted to put them on in the pitch dark and claustrophobic area.

"Where is she?! She is going to drive me nuts!" he screeched. I silently laughed to myself and rolled my eyes again.

"I am here Dennis" I laugh out.

I hear silence and then suddenly "Where?!" he hollers again. I giggle again, "Back behind the curtain Dennis." I hear silence again, as if he is trying to process something.

"Well why in heavens are you back there?! You're supposed to be on the stage in five!"

I roll my eyes, as if I didn't know that. I laugh at the thought of being so naive. "Well Dennis, I just enjoy the musky smell and pitch black claustrophobic type of rooms, helps me relax" I sarcastically explain to him. Dennis wasn't that bright. Finally I got my shoes on and then I came from behind the curtain.

"You should really try it sometime" I roll my eyes so he can see and I laugh. I walk up to the curtain that opens up to the stage. I watch the performer on the stage right now, he is a colored boy named Tommy. I look to my right and Elvis is standing with his band mates. We are touching arm to arm, because there isn't much room backstage.

"How has Tommy been doing?" I ask in a whisper, leaning over to him. He looks over at me and shakes his head.

"Not well, the crowd ain't digging that he is colored ya know" he states obviously disagreeing with them. I nod and then look back at the stage feeling bad for Tommy. As I am trying to shake my nerves Jerry Lee Lewis comes up to my left.

"Hey doll face, your quite the eye catcher" he winks at me. I roll my eyes and sigh. I didn't need this right before I was going to go on stage. "Listen old man, maybe you should check out some of the mothers in the crowd, I am sure they'd really go for you" I say and look at him to see his reaction.

"Feisty, I like that, good luck doll face."

"It's not about luck Lewis, it's about if you can make the crowd go for you, and based on your first impression with me, I think it's going to be a challenge for you."

I walk onto the stage and do my little part of singing a few older songs. I never really wanted to entertain for a job, but my daddy was in the business and he said I had a lot of talent. The crowd whooped and hollered, I even got some roses thrown up on stage. I walked off and down into backstage. Jerry Lee was sitting waiting for me, he mumbled something, but I just ignored him and went on my way. Elvis performed after me and he was great. I really liked his style. He is going to be something big. He seemed nice to, he was also the only guy that hadn't hooked up with any girls yet. Although I was the only girl that hadn't hooked up with any guys either.

That night at the motel, everyone was outside drinking beers and messing around. I decided I would go down since I didn't do anything last night. I walked up and all the boys watched me come up. I hated it when they did that, I didn't like the attention. I paid no mind, and pretended I didn't see them. I walked up to Elvis, and saw that he was drinking a Pepsi.

"Hello, where did you get that Pepsi?" I point to it. He smiles and then turns around to his car. He messes with something and then pulls out another one. "Special just for you" he chuckled out. "You bought them just for yourself?" I scrunch up my nose and laugh. He nods and laughs a little. I open it up and then take a big drink.

"So Natalya, the rumour is that you don't have guy, is that true?" Elvis murmurs out. I laugh and look up at him.

"Yes, I suppose it is" I whisper out and then take another sip of my Pepsi.

"How come?" he exhales.

"I don't really want a relationship right now, I need to focus on myself, I always say how can you be expected to love anyone else if you don't love yourself first? I am still working on the loving myself part."

"Your not confident? You seem like you are."

"No, I am confident, but being confident and loving yourself are in two different places. You can be confident, simply by putting on an image that you are confident. You don't have to actually be confident, you just need an image. Although, you have to be very careful that you don't mix your image with your soul. Otherwise it's one big mess, and then you no longer know who you are."

Elvis silently nods his head and then takes another sip. Some boys come up and they are smoking. I never liked the smell of cigarettes.

"Well I think I am going to go in for the night, thanks Elvis" I raise up my Pepsi and wink. He smiles and then I walk back to my room at the motel.

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