1. Rebel Without A Claus

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Myles' POV

'Love Mylo xo' I finished the note I was attaching to Bri's birthday present, deciding I was happy with it. It was Briar's birthday soon, and Christmas in 2 days. Me, being her best friend, I had to make sure it was a special birthday. After all, you don't turn 18 everyday, and she deserved the world.

I would be going out for lunch with her and Devon tomorrow, for which I had already picked an outfit out and it lay on my desk in the other side of the room. I would be wearing a dark grey shirt, white t-shirt and dark blue jeans. I liked to have these things planned out... it made me feel in control. Sighing, I reached over and flicked the switch on my bedside lamp. The light fell from the room immediately, the dim haze from through the blinds casting orange like shadows across my sheets as I pulled them over me. Resting my head on my pillow, I closed my eyes in search of sleep, which I soon found.

The next morning was a blur of me waking up late, shoving on my clothes and munching on a granola bar as I made my way out of my apartment and to the restaurant where I was supposed to be meeting my two best friends. Hurriedly opening the door, my eyes flitted across the tables. I didn't even register any of my surroundings, solely focused on finding them. At last I spotted her.

Her blonde hair bobbed around her shoulders as she spoke, her locks cascading in waves- half tied up and half down. She wore an black open shoulder top, a grey fleece and skinny blue jeans with minimal make up. Opposite her was Devon, in a grey t-shirt and blue jacket. His mouth was sporting a grin as he looked up and noticed me.

"Myles!" He called over happily, causing Briar to look over too as I made my way over to them.

"Hey," she greeted sweetly, giving my a one armed hug. I returned Devon's bro-handshake before taking the free seat next to Briar and looking around the place. The walls were different tones of red brick, the tables a soft blue. I saw the shelves lined with intricate items such as modelled bicycles and painted mason jars. It seemed like just the kind of place that Briar would love.

Picking up the menu, I let my eyes scan the options, each one sounding more mouthwatering than the next. "I'll have the Smokey BBQ black-bean burger," I said to the waitress, intrigued by the dish.

"I'll have a vegetable risotto, please," Bri smiled, closing the menu.

"And I'll take the jerk fried eggplant," Devon finished. In case you couldn't tell, it was an all-vegan restaurant, which I thought was pretty cool. We ordered some bubble tea to go with our drink, myself ordering a mango. The waitress collected up the menus and left towards what I presumed were the kitchens. Soon another waitress returned with our plates and meals.

Everything looked like a piece of art, and I couldn't wait to dig in-

"Wait!" Briar stopped my roaming hand that was about to pick up the burger. "I want to take a picture." I took my hand back with a moan, knowing it was for her Instagram. First she took a shot of just the food, then she tilted the camera upwards. "Smile," she insisted. I quickly complied, raising my fingers slightly into the peace sign, eager to eat.

"Go on," Briar laughed, sensing both mine and Devon's impatience. Immediately I held the black-bean burger between my hands and took a sizeable mouthful, the warm smoked patty leaving a sensation of flavour across my tastebuds.

"Oh that's so good," Devon stole the words out of my mouth as he cut into his eggplant.

"Mmh" I nodded in agreement.

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