Twenty Three

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"Capillum" I whispered as I pointed my wand towards my hair. I sat back and watched as my long golden hair dried itself before curling and twisting back into and elegant updo. If there was one this I couldn't thank Narcissa enough for it was the spells she had secretly created to do hair and makeup in a flash. "Faciem" I whispered again. This time a perfect face of makeup, including a dark smokey eye, appeared on my face. I stood up from the vanity and walked over to my dresser, pulling out the black evening gown and my pair of matching black heels. I slipped on the gown and heels before walking over to the mirror and examining myself in it. Whoever had given me the gown certainly had an amazing taste. I walked over to my dresser and opened my jewelry box, pulling out the protective necklace Snape had given me. I wrapped the chain around my wrist twice, turning the necklace into a sort of charm bracelet before grabbing my cloak and heading down to the common room.

"You clean up rather nicely Malfoy. If I wasn't so repulsed by you, I might actually date you" I said, turning Draco's attention towards me. I finished fastening my cloak around my neck and walked across the common room to where he was sitting by the fire. I had to admit that once again, I was completely mesmerized by his looks. His icy hair and bright blue eyes in contrast with his all black dress robes made him quite a jaw dropper. Any girl would be beyond lucky to have him by her side. I reached out my hand to him as he stood from the couch, taking it in his own and placing a soft kiss on it.

"I have to say the same" he said smiling at me. "You look beautiful in that dress. Have you found out who sent it yet?"

I shook my head. "Are you sure your parents didn't?"

Draco nodded as he slipped my arm into his. "I'm sure they would have told me. I'll ask mum again tonight."

Draco and I quietly exited the common room and headed into the darkness of the castle, not stopping until we met Dumbledore at the front gates of Hogwarts.

"Such a lovely young witch and wizard" Dumbledore said, his sparkling eyes darting between the two of us. "I do hope you both enjoy the party."

"Thank you" I said softly, smiling at him. "And Snape," I added, looking at the area around us, "isn't he accompanying us?"

Dumbledore smiled, nodding his head towards the darkness behind us. I turned to look where Dumbledore had nodded towards and saw a dark shadow making it's way down the path to the gates. As he reached us Snape stopped for a moment, looking us both over before turning back to Dumbledore. I couldn't help but stare at him for a moment. He was wearing his usual robes and cloak, but for some reason he looked more attractive in them than usual. Perhaps it was the moonlight, or just my mind playing tricks on me, but he did look more handsome than usual.

"I trust that you will see them back in one piece Severus?"

Snape nodded and reached out his hand towards me. I gently placed mine in his, squeezing Draco's arm a little tighter with my other hand. With a loud pop, the three of us disapparated from Hogwarts and soon found ourselves standing outside the massive doors of Malfoy Manor.


For a party full of Death Eaters, it wasn't half bad. Snape immediately disappeared into the crowd of people and Draco and I found our way to the bar. I had just finished my first glass of wine and was waiting for a second when Draco gently nudged me with his elbow.

"Carrow is lurking" he said in a low voice. I turned my head slightly and saw Carrow standing off to the side of the room with a small group, his eyes already on me. I glanced down at my wrist, watching as the light caught the silver pendant hanging around it. I was snapped out of my small trance by the wizard behind the bar who set down my glass of wine infront of me. I quickly picked it up and slipped my arm into Draco's, letting him lead me out into the crowd of people.

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