Thirty Five

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Malfoy Manor was grand and the land outside of it was vast, covering hundreds possibly thousands of acers. The tall, dark green hedges surrounding the manor towered on either side of us, the large iron gates guarding the mansion just ahead of us. We passed through the gates in seconds, a soft crackling echoing behind us as the gates materialized again. The dark, Gothic grandeur of Malfoy Manor was coming into view as we continued our walk down the cobblestone road. Lush gardens now surrounded us on either side, replacing the towering hedges just on the other side of the gate. Three white peacocks came into view as we neared the manor, no doubt a showing of the family's extreme wealth. The emerald encrusted windows covered entire walls, their beauty comparable to those of the world's grandest cathedrals. During the day light flooded through these windows, covering the dark furniture in green specks of light. At night the soft glow of the lamps inside flooded out, casting a soft glow over the surrounding gardens. Malfoy Manor was the ego of the Malfoy family laid out in stone. Extravagant and grandiose in every way, it served to impress the elite and intimidate the dregs.

The front doors of the manor swung open as the three of us approached, revealing the grand stair case illuminated by a chandelier of diamonds that would put the Palais Garnier to shame. Rich, dark green tapestries hung from the walls depicting the Malfoy family crest intricately sewn in silver thread. We ascended the dark marble stair case, our footsteps echoing through the foyer. Narcissa appeared at the top of the stairs, a soft smile crossing her face as she met my eye. She was soon after joined by Lucius, standing proud as he looked on at his son.

My fingertips dusted lightly over the ebony railing as I continued to ascend the staircase towards the pair. Snape was a good ten steps ahead of us, his dark robes billowing behind him and his hair ever so slightly fanning out as the air pushed past it. As I reached the landing at the top of the stairs Narcissa reached out and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me down into her embrace as Lucius duly greeted his son. In moments like those it seemed as though we had become a family, myself and the Malfoy's. There was not a doubt in my mind that Lucius and Narcissa looked over me as if I was their own and if it came to be, would accept me into their family without a second thought. Narcissa began lightly chatting with Draco and I as we followed Lucius and Snape down the hall, the two of them engrossed in their own conversation. We soon entered one of the many sitting rooms scattered throughout the manor where Lucius informed us we would be awaiting Voldemort's arrival. He, Narcissa, and Snape quickly took their leave, leaving Draco and I alone in the large room.

As the door shut behind them, Draco called out and seconds later a small house elf appeared in the middle of the room.

"Bring us both some breakfast and two cups of tea" Draco said from across the room, not once looking at the elf. "Is there anything else you want, Anna?" he asked, turning his head slightly towards me.

"No, thank you" I replied softly.

Draco nodded once and in an instant the house elf disappeared.

"I hope you won't mind" Draco started, turning from the large window and walking over to where I was sitting on one of the oversized couches. "We often don't eat typical breakfast foods- certainly not that rubbish you eat in America" he added, winking at me.

"What, no Lucky Charms?" I asked teasingly.

"What the bloody hell are Lucky Charms" he laughed as he fell down into the armchair across from me.

"Remind me to have my brother send me a box" I said as the house elf reappeared. She quickly set up the large spread of breakfast and poured us each a cup of English Breakfast before disappearing again into thin air. Draco was right when he said the Malfoy's didn't eat a traditional breakfast. Laid out on the table between us was the most extravagant "breakfast" I had ever seen. An assortment of meats, cheeses, fish, fruits, cold vegetables, breads, and a few pastries covered the table. The spread even included five different jars of caviar, each with their own emerald encrusted spoon placed neatly across the top. Even after all the times I had spent at the Manor, this was still the first time I had actually had breakfast there. Most times during the summer I was only there at night and when I did spend the two weeks leading up to term with the Malfoy's, I usually had a much simpler American style breakfast brought to me in my room. This breakfast spread, however, even out did some of the ones I had had at Hogwarts.

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