Chapter 7- The perfect little family. Including- McCalla, Sophia and Peyton

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We arrived at my house and I quickly kissed Liam on the cheek.

“Thanks taxi, don’t know what I’d do without you.” I patted the truck, teasing Liam.

“What about the driver?”

“Oh, well I already gave him a kiss and his job wasn’t to hard.” I said raising my eyebrows. He stuck his tounge out at me. I slammed his door, messing with him and when I knew he could see me perfectly kissed two fingers and put them on my butt. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

I walked inside my house, attempting (but failing miserably) to be quiet. When I passed the living room I saw mom was up watching her soaps. She paused the tv and pulled her glasses off. “Hey hunny. How was the party? Your daddys asleep so come over here.” She patted the cushion beside her and I silently walked to it. I sat down and leaned in her arms.

“Pey is preggers mom, I’m currently ticked off at Elijah for getting her pregnant, and me and Liam are getting close again.”

Momma gasped.

“Poor child!” she shook her head and I could see the horror in her eyes and it scared me.

“Is it hard momma? Raising a child. I love Peyton and I don’t want her to get hurt.” I said concerned.

“It's hard McCalla. Don’t you ever go and get knocked up or I’m gonna put a big knot on your head and your daddy is gonna put a big hole in his knots…and maybe his head too.”I giggled. “But, darling I’m being serious. This is not gonna be easy for Peyton. She needs you, but I’m afraid there won’t be much you can do right now. Just be there for her though McCalla, that will mean the most.”

A pangof embarrassment soared through me. How could I have been so cruel, so cold, so nasty to Peyton? She needed me and I cut her down. I was hurt, but I had no reason to be. I shouldn’t have gotten involved with Elijah in the first place, he was my best-friends ex. “I was so nasty to her when she told me momma, I wasn’t there for her.”

Mom was quiet for a few minutes but she finally spoke “Things happen, road blocks stop you, people get in your way but those things only make you want something even more. It will work out with Peyton and I am telling you that with the position she is now in, she is desperate for someone, anyone, just someone who will listen. Give it time, hunny. It will work out. I promise you.”

I took in the words she said, things would work out, I was sure of it. “Thanks mom, you’re the best.” I smiled.

“Now get some sleep baby, and in the morning you need to call your brother. He called for you while you were at the party.” My heart skipped a beat. I hadn’t seen my brother in years, he had moved away as soon as he was 18. Not because he had, had a rough life, and most definitely not because my parents didn’t take care of him.

But because he met as he said “The women of his dreams, she cooks, she cleans, and she never complains about the toilet seat being up.” They had recently gotten divorced. Turns out she had lied about her age( which you could not tell by the way) instead of being 23, my brother’s age, she was a 37 year old gold digging, botox obsessed whore who had been cheating on my brother from day one. When I heard about this I had made a promise to myself that the next time I saw her I would beat the living hell out of her. No one would hurt my brother and get away with it.

 He had spent to many years protecting me. 


Damon was drunk and I was terrified. He was an angry, abusive drunk. I silently escaped the crowd he was yelling at and ran to the bathroom. There I pulled out my phone and called Liam.

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