Chapter One

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A fierce storm had settled over the Seoul Kingdom, making the crisp September breeze into a biting cold wind, the rain so thick and heavy it was almost like a living wall, a wall that felt like nails being driven upon the person caught in the downpour.

Such harsh weather forced the people to remain indoors, so it came as a surprise to hear knocking from the palace doors, though it took a moment to distinguish the knocking from the thunder.


King Namjoon sat by the fire in the company of his trusted companions and dearest friends, both members of his Royal Guard, Captains Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok, when there was a knock upon his sitting room door

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King Namjoon sat by the fire in the company of his trusted companions and dearest friends, both members of his Royal Guard, Captains Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok, when there was a knock upon his sitting room door.

"I'll get it."  Yoongi said as he set his cup upon the table and rose, heading for the door, leaving Namjoon and Hoseok to continue their conversation, only to return moments later. "Excuse me Your Majesty, but there's a woman at the palace door asking for shelter for the night."

"Please do not tell me they left her standing outside in the storm awaiting my consent." Namjoon said rising from his seat and heading out of the room, Yoongi and Hoseok following at his side.

"Of course not, she waits just inside the entrance."

When the guards on duty saw the King approaching they bowed respectfully. "Your Majesty the old woman is seeking shelter from the storm."

The king nodded in acknowledgement before approaching the old woman, guards at his back. He smiled kindly at the drenched woman shivering before him. He removed his robe and drapped it over the old womans hunched figure.

"You are welcome to wait out the storm here ma'am, but why did you not seek shelter from any of the villagers? Why come straight here?"

The old woman huddled into the robe the young king gave her. "Bless you child for showing an old woman such kindness, though I fear your lovely robe will not be the same."

The king chuckled softly. "Please don't concern yourself with the state of a simple robe. It's nothing more than fabric and is easily cleaned or replaced."

The old woman looked into the King's eyes and saw compassion and sincerity. She slowly raised a shaking gnarled hand and cupped his cheek. "You're a good man Your Majesty. You do not let the crown upon your head poison your heart. Your kindness will not be forgotten or go unrewarded."


The next morning proved to be a beautiful Autumn day. Perfect to celebrate the King's twenty first birthday.

"Good morning Your Majesty." Hoseok greeted. "Happy birthday." 

"Thank you hyung." Namjoon smiled in return. "And for the last time, stop calling me 'Your Majesty', we're family Hoseokie, no need to address me so formally." 

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