Chapter Eight

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No screaming.

No sounds of battle.

All that could be heard in the thunderous silence, was the crying of a mourning king. 

Namjoon gazed down at the boy in his arms, the boy he loved.

"Jin." Namjoon choked on a sob.

Jin's eyes fluttered open, and he raised a tired hand to cup Namjoon's cheek.

 "I-I love you too." he whispered softly, each word weaker than the next until the last word was nothing more than a faint whisper barely heard.

Namjoon hugged his love close, crying and begging Jin not to leave him. He heard someone shout for the Healer but, he knew she could do nothing as Jin's breathing became shallower and almost nonexistent.

Until it seemed to stop completely.


The king wept.

And his heart shattered.


"Do not let your heart be troubled, for what has come to pass was meant to be. Heon-Woo's life was forfeit the moment he cursed that poor boy, destined to die once he spilt the boy's blood, as the curse bound their lives together."

Namjoon raised his tear streaked face to see a very familiar old woman appear out of the darkness, his men parting to let her pass

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Namjoon raised his tear streaked face to see a very familiar old woman appear out of the darkness, his men parting to let her pass. 

"Don't lose heart child, for all is not lost." She reached for the pendant, felt it's warmth. "See, it still glows with life, he can yet be saved."

Namjoon looked at her with hope and determination.

"What must I do?"

"Seek the Fae."


Namjoon was quickly losing hope of finding the Fairy Court. The pendant became dimmer and the fear of losing his true love began to set in, tears threatening to fall again. He ignored the pain in his side, in his arms, as he tightened his hold on Jin, clutching him closer to himself, talking to him, begging him to hold on a little longer, praying to every deity he knew that he wasn't chasing a false hope.


'The truest of love fate has chosen for thee, is a boy born of swan and king.'

His bunny smile was gone, his big doe eyes misty with tears as he glanced at the boy beside him with a sad smile and sad eyes.

The Fairy King reached out for the beautiful boy but it was like touching mist. The boy, destined to be his true love, was slowly fading from existence.

He gasped as he was released from the vision. He had to act quickly or lose his true love forever.

A true love, that had yet to be born.


Dawn was upon them, the stars starting to fade in it's light, much like the light of the pendant began to fade. It flickered and sputtered like a candle about to burn out.

Namjoon, tired and weak from injuries, fell to his knees, Jin still held in his arms. He cried at the hopelessness of the situation, of his failure to save the boy he loved.

Hoseok dropped to a knee and wrapped his arm around Namjoon as he heard the silent sobs, saw his fist clasped tightly around the pendant, as if trying to hold onto the fading warmth. Yoongi looked away from the scene before him, unable to bare the sight of his cousin, his king, breaking.


The boy flashed in the minds eye of the Fairy King once again, face full of sadness and eyes filled with tears. The garden the boy always awaited him in, dying, as he grew dimmer and dimmer, like the light of a candle slowly burning itself out. 

The Fae King knew what this meant. It won't be much longer before Death itself claimed the boy as his own.

"No, I won't lose him!" He spurred his horse faster as he began to chant, sending his spell flying upon the wind

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"No, I won't lose him!" He spurred his horse faster as he began to chant, sending his spell flying upon the wind. 

"What grace has given me, let it pass to him. Let him be spared. Save him."


"What grace has given me, let it pass to him. Let him be spared. Save him."

The deep voice echoed around them, carried upon the wind. The pendant began to glow brighter, stronger. A deep gasp of air fell from Jin's lips, filling his lungs as if the breath of life was forced upon him. 

Namjoon looked from Jin to the sound of running horses, seeing two cloaked figures racing toward them. 

Yoongi and Hoseok prepared to draw their swords against this possible new threat when Namjoon's words stopped them.

"Hyungs, it's the Fae." 

"Are you sure?" Yoongi asked.

Namjoon smiled brightly, tears in his eyes. "Yes." He said before looking down at Jin, and into his tired, but open eyes. 

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