Chapter Seven

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He couldn't maintain this form much longer. Now that he was recovered the change had the strength to take place, and to attempt to hold it back was both, futile and painful. It was clawing at him. He had to leave, he couldn't change within the palace walls where anyone could see him, not that it mattered now.

HE was coming, there was no escape now, his death was certain. He'd die the moment he left these walls. He knew if he told Namjoon the truth the kind hearted king would offer protection, had already done so days ago, but it would be selfish of him to accept it, he would never risk innocent lives to save his own.

Especially Namjoon's.

Tonight, he'll leave tonight, after creating one last memory with Namjoon.

Another memory to comfort him in his eternal slumber.


Tonight was the night. 

He was going to tell Jin he loved him. He was nervous but before he could get too worked up the door began to slowly open.

Jin gasped at the sight before him, in complete awe of the beautiful indoor garden full of lush brightly colored flowers and big fruit trees, the smell of apple and cherry blossoms lightly scented the air. There were lanterns strung in the branches of the trees giving the garden a soft romantic glow. Under one of the trees a beautiful romantic picnic dinner was set for two. Namjoon smiled brightly, dimples digging into his cheeks.

"Do you like it?"

"It's beautiful."

They sat enjoying the food, environment and each others company.

Everything was perfect.

All that was left, was a confession.

Namjoon took in Jin's features, still amazed by his complete perfection, the flower tucked behind his ear, giving him the image of a Spring nymph. Taking Jin's soft delicate hand into his own, he looked deeply into his eyes as he spoke.

 "Jin." Jin gave Namjoon the sweetest, softest smile, stealing away his breath and stripping him of all the flowery words he wanted to say to express his love, yet pulled forth the three little words he'd longed to say since the moment he met the boy. "I love you."

"H-how can you love me."

"How can I not."

Jin's eyes began to fill with unshed tears, he loved Namjoon greatly, but he didn't want Namjoon to love him, to love a boy destined to die. It wasn't fair.

"You can't love me Namjoon, please, don't love me. Please. My heart couldn't bare the sorrow of hurting you."

"I don't understand, why? Why can't I love you?"

"L-loving me will only bring you heartache. Please Namjoon, I beg you, don't love me."

"Jin." Namjoon reached for Jin but he stepped back, just out of reach.

"I-I'm so sorry Joonie, so sorry." Tears falling and heart shattering with every step, he ran from the room.


Namjoon rushed after Jin only to be met by a soldier. "Sire." The man bowed. "You're needed on the wall immediately."

Once on the wall Namjoon was met with Yoongi and Hoseok.

"A man wishes to speak with you." Hoseok said.

"Who is he?"

"Don't know, he won't give his name nor his reason to speak with you."

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