Chapter One; Wrong Clary

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Alright, so, there's this girl. 

That's how it always starts, huh?  

But this isn't just any girl. No, no. This is not just any girl, not even close. She's... she's... well, how can I even describe her? I guess I can start by saying that I've had a crush on her for, like, two-no, maybe three years now, ever since her family moved here. She's perfect. My God, is she perfect. And I don't mean the same stupid 'perfect' like every other protagonist in a stupid romantic comedy. I mean, she's actually perfect. And not just to me. This girl is everyone's dream girl. 

Her name... is Rose. Rose Clary. See? Even her name is gorgeous. Simple, elegant, classy. She's tall, like, model height, with this dark, milk chocolate hair that just flows down her back in thick waves and curls. Her eyes are this... this insanely bright, lightening strike blue, and full, pink, pouty lips. Don't even get me started on her body. She's captain of the track and volleyball teams, so, you know that she has a wicked body. Not only is she a total knockout, she's crazy smart. She's going to be our valedictorian, I know it. 

We sort of run in the same circles, I guess you could say, we have the same little group of friends, but, honestly, I've never really spoken to her one on one. Hey, shut up. I know that look that you're giving me right now. I can feel the judgement in your eyes. 'How can you have such a big crush on her if you guys have never even really spoken?', you're wondering. That's because this girl is everything that I've ever dreamed about and more. So, no, we might not have actually ever spoken, but, uh... Well, that doesn't matter. Because I'm going to change all of that. I have a plan.   

There's just this one teeny, tiny- no. Scratch that. There's just this one huge, gigantic problem. A 6'3 problem with a scowl that could make a grown man cry. See, there's a reason that I've never actually spoken to Rose. Why no guy at our school really ever has. 

He's got her milk chocolate curls, cut short of course, cutting off just enough to dust over his brilliant blue eyes that, although match hers, somehow look like they're constantly thinking of ways to rip you in half. He's got a jaw so sharp that if you slapped him, you might get cut, and a chest so wide, you could land a plane on. As a guy who plays sports, I have muscles, but this guy... this guy looks like if he were to punch me, it might just kill me. 

Who is this deadly bear of a man, you might ask? Why, that would be Rose's twin brother, Blake. 

Where Rose wore trendy, name brand outfits and always made sure to stand out, while at the same time blending in, Blake wore only baggy band tee shirts, leather, and thick, black combat boots. He does play soccer, so, I know that he can  be social sometimes, but I'm pretty sure that they only stick him in goal because those icy eyes of his will freeze out any striker that could make it past defense. And while Rose is the smartest girl that I've ever met, I'm pretty sure that Blake's head is full of sawdust. Plus, I heard that he's been to jail. And that they moved because he smacked a teacher with a chair. 

Now, I'm sure that those are just rumors because of how intimidating Blake looks, but, I'd be lying if I said they weren't effective. I've honestly never been so scared of another man in my life, but I don't feel too bad about that because I'm pretty sure that everyone who meets Blake is terrified, aside from Rose and her friends. 

Oh, and he's extremely protective. 

He's the one thing standing in my way. If I want to get to Rose, I have to go through him and the thought of doing that makes me want to throw up. They're always together. He only hangs out with her and her friends. She takes him everywhere with her, like a little purse dog, and he guards her like a hawk. Everyone knows that if you want to be friends with Rose, you've got to be friends with Blake too, and that's incredibly hard because Blake hates everyone

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