Chapter Two; The Most Boring Date

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Well, I've done it. I've officially planned the most basic, boring date in the history of dates. I'd pat myself on the back, but I won't because, honestly, it really is just that un-special. Extremely normal. Nothing interesting or spectacular in any kind of way, so, don't get any ideas. 

I've planned a very simple trip to the movies, meaning there will be little to no talking. We go out on our date without having to have all that awkward talking and I get to catch a movie that I've been wanting to see. Two birds. 

I texted Blake yesterday, filling him in on the plan, and we agreed to meet around 6:30. I'm a little late right now, even though I was actually here early, because I was just so anxious. I couldn't bring myself to get out of the car. I was a little bit-yes, just a little bit, intimidated by Blake before, but now... now that we're about to be one on one when the only other conversation that we've ever had landed us here... Now, I'm really freaking out.  

And don't look at me like that. It's not because I know that he's gay now, I have no issue with gay people. Blake is just bigger than me. And a little scary. And if he really wanted to, he could totally name me his bitch. 

In reality, I actually have no real issue with Blake. Like I said, we had never even spoken before the other day at the mall. I've just heard that he's got anger issues and with all of the other rumors swirling around, I really don't think that I want to get on his bad side. Plus, the way that this started was all wrong. Imagine how upset he'd be if he knew that the only reason that I showed up today was a mixture of fear, pity, and anxiety. Nobody should have to go through that and I don't feel very good about it. 

But this is just one date and when Blake realizes that I'm nothing special, there won't be a second. 

There will be no kissing, though. That is where I draw the line. No kissing, no canoodling. 

This will not be some ooey, gooey, lifechanging movie date where I go through some stupid epiphany and realize that Blake is the guy for me and has been all along. So, don't get your hopes up. That's not happening. 

I glanced at my watch and picked up my pace a little bit. I was only about ten minutes late, but I'm sure that the previews have started by now. It took me a minute to work up the courage to get out of the car. And if this is a date, then he isn't allowed to hit me. That's a dealbreaker. I pushed through the double doors of the theater and scanned the lobby, heaving a sigh of relief. Oh, thank God, he isn't here yet- Nope, never mind, there he is. 

He stood by the ticket booth, phone in hand, peering around. He chewed at his lip, looking a little more than uncomfortable. He glanced at the time once more, sucking in a breath, and I instantly felt awful. How long had he been waiting?  Before I could talk myself out of it, I threw my hand up and jogged towards him. "Blake!"

His head snapped up and a look of relief briefly flashed on his face, before instantly being replaced with one of irritation. Almost like he intended to chastise me for being late. He immediately straightened up, jamming his phone in his pocket. I came to a stop in front of him and took a mental note to start jogging because I was breathing way too heavily for just running from the parking lot. I offered him a smile. "Sorry, I'm a little late. I couldn't find a parking spot."

"Yeah, sure," He muttered, sounding rather unconvinced. I swallowed roughly, but kept my smile. 

"Let's get the tickets so we can head in."

He nodded slowly and followed me, moving to step into the quickly moving line a foot away from us. "What movie are we seeing?"

I beamed and pointed the poster hanging on the wall. "That one. The one with The Rock." 

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