Happiness: The state of contentment.

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Finally, I was happy. Happy to be away from the hot humid temperatures, and nasty biting mosquitoes of New Orleans. My best friend pulled off the interstate entering a road surrounded by a tremendous number of trees. I smiled to myself as I listened to her sing completely off-key to the song blaring on the speakers.

When she made another turn. A broad view of a small town came into sight. I reached over turning down a Max Schneider singing about coming back for someone. I rolled down my window. The wind from the car's speed blasted my hair around my face as I leaned out of it for a better view. The town was breathtaking. It had an old eighteenth-century look to it with modern restaurants and coffee shops.

After the long hours and a few sleep overnights in hotels. We eventually made it to our destination. As we passed by an old bakery; the smell of fresh bread came wafting through the window. I took in a deep breath. The smell tugging at a loose memory of my favorite coffee shop back home. Nostalgic feeling settled over my heart. As I remembered the long days and nights I spent in that shop. It always had fresh pastries ready for the picking. Each and every time I chose the handmade beignets.

My stomach started to growl veraciously, just remembering the powdery sweet, honey-drizzled,

desserts. I grabbed a hand full of Hot Cheetos, a poor substitute: but a substitute none the less, to quiet my growling stomach for now. A flash of movement was the only warning I received. My seat belt slammed against my windpipe.

My throat constricted painfully around the hot Cheetos I had just swallowed. I forced myself to swallow. The spiciness from the Cheetos burning their way down my esophagus. I coughed. Red-colored spittle flying everywhere. My eyes began to water. My throat an inferno of excruciating pain. Alexxa slammed her foot on the brakes to avoid a collision with an idiot on a motorcycle. The idiota running a red light was the main cause of my near-death experience.

"What the HELL?!!!!!!!' Alexxa screamed some very inappropriate words out the window and flashed her exotic bird at the motorcyclist. The bike guy didn't even give a glance back as he kept going. Roaring down the street leaving us behind in a cloud of dirt and exhaust fumes. My blurry vision followed him as he passed. Warm tears poured down my face, and I reached up to wipe them away to no avail. I pressed a tear-stained hand to the dashboard still hacking. I felt the car pull to the side of the street before I felt a warm hand, gently, pat my back.

"That fudging dipstick!" "Al? Girl, you okay?" Alexxa asked her hands now rubbing soothing circles.

I put up a finger. My throat still too soar to talk. She kept rubbing my back in slow circles waiting for my coughing fit to suffice.

"I'm sorry girl. The guy came out of nowhere. It was either slam on the brakes or hit him." She huffed.

" Now, that I think about it I should have hit him. What is wrong with people these days? Swear to god! If I see that asshole again...." I watched her through teary eyes she shook her head fiercely. Her red hair glistening in the bright sunlight as it slid over her shoulders. I could practically hear the anger rising in her voice. I blinked rapidly. I spoke when the burning in my throat finally calmed down enough for me to talk.

Her grip on the steering wheel was tight enough to whiten her knuckles. Her eyes flashed bright yellow as she watched the direction the guy disappeared in. Her rage wafting off in waves filling the car.

"Whoa,down girl. " I squeaked out.

"I'm not a dog Alaya!"

"Yea, well, your not fit for jail either! Just calm down all right."

My stomach dropped, and my heart jerked against my rib cage. Alexxa ignored me moving to slam her foot on the gas. Ready to chase after him consequences be damned. My heart stilled. I sighed.

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