Send Help (im musical trash)

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Dear Diary,

I already feel like Veronica Sawyer. Just realized only people who are Heathers fans are going to understand that reference, but whatever. In less than a week I'm going to be starting school again and I'm already nervous. To be honest I don't even know why I'm nervous. I do have an amazing group of friends and I love them to deaf, but the idea of socializing everyday sounds exhausting! If your an extrovert you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Wait...this is the internet... extroverts are probably doing extroverted things like socializing and going outside so I'm guessing if your reading this your an introvert. Anyway... where was I? Oh yeah! Why I hate school! Maybe I'm nervous, because of the pressure of grades and expectations and ending up being a disappointment. Today I had  school orientation where you look at where all your classes are and I have this thing where I feel like people are judging me even thought nobody even cares about me. It's like when your walking down to your table with your lunch tray and you feel like everyone is just waiting for you to fall. I probably sound crazy... well it's the internet...soooooooo.... WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!! (I'm sneaking in too many musical references.) Send Help.

Sincerely, Me
(Dear Evan Hansen anyone?)

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