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Woah! And here it is! Almost a year later. For anyone who remember this one...


All three of us got in the car, Hurley drove, Richards rode shot gun... leaving Mitch and I in the back of the suv.

"Alright, everyone understand what needs to be done?" Hurley.

"More or less." I said as I looked out the window.

"That's comforting." Richards nodded.

"We'll see when we get there." Rapp added.

"Real comforting." Richards mumbled.

"You three get along fine. Lets see how you work together." Hurley looked at Rapp and I in the rear view mirror.

Rapp and I exchanged glances, he smiled slightly at me while I raised an eyebrow.


We were dropped off in different locations.
I was the touristy wife and Richards was my husband. While Rapp got a hotel room, receiving all intel from us.
Richards and I spent the afternoon following our possible target, faking cute couple pictures while getting him in the background.

"I'm just saying we really have to sell it." Richards laughed as he held up his phone to take a picture, catching me off guard and kissing my temple.

He sent the picture to Rapp.

"We got confirmation it's him?" I took a step back from Richards.

"Just came in." He smiled and shook the phone slightly.

"Shall we?" I asked.


The sun set as we followed the man, we cornered him in a typical dark alley where Hurley was supposed to meet us to pick up the "package".

"We're going to need you to come with us." Richards spoke to the man. Naturally he resisted, he tried to run and I slowed him down with a quick elbow to his face. Then Richards took over, finally holding him down.

"Just you two? Not your friend in the little hotel room?" The man smiled through the blood on his face.

Richards and I exchanged looks.
I quickly went to his pocket and took out the phone.
"Awesome." I looked at the cracked phone in my hand.

"Go." Richards told me.

I raced down the street, luckily finding a dear couple showing pda leaning against a wall. The motorcycle just asking to be taken with the keys in the ignition.

I hopped on, taking off the stand, quickly turning it on and taking off down the street, faintly hearing the guy yelling profanities at me.

I reached the hotel, leaving the bike outside and racing in. Taking the emergency stairs to the third floor and proceeded to pound on Rapp's door.

"What are you doing here?" Rapp demanded.

"We've been made." I said to him.

He grabbed my forearm and pulled me in my back against the wall, as he closed the door harshly.

"He knew he was being followed. He mentioned you in this hotel, they're probably outside as we speak."

"Do you know how many?" He asked, I could feel his breath on my face by how close he stood.

I shook my head no as I looked up at him.

"Just take the computer." He said to me, "then we-"

I put my hand over his mouth and listened. Heavy footsteps approached the door.
Without warning it was kicked in with a sudden boom.

Mitch and I didn't hesitate, I pushed the man's handgun upwards, then quickly kicking his knee inwards. While Mitch shot his silenced handgun killing the second man, then taking out the one I left on the floor.

"Not bad." I looked at Rapp who was already dragging the men I side the room.
I grabbed the laptop and tucked it under my arm.

I stood by the door waiting on him as he dropped the second body.

"Lets get out of here." Rapp said as he walked towards me. He was only a few steps away from me when I caught the glimpse of a small round reflection by the window.

"Mitch!" I quickly took the few steps, pushing him down as the bullet broke the window and zipped past us.

"Across the street, Fourth floor." I said to him as I pushed my self up, my hands on either side of his head, my weight still on him. His look of surprise quickly vanished as he grabbed my waist and pushed me to the side.

He got to his knees and crouched by the window, "Looks like he's gone now."


      Mitch and I got to the small safe house, where Richards and Hurley has already settled in. The hostage had already been tied down in the basement hours before we arrived.

"Glad to see you're both alive." Richards said to us.

"You have that much faith in us?" Rapp asked him.

"I mean I knew Kat would make it back. You? Eh."

"That mouth is gonna get you in trouble one of these days." I said to Richards.

"I'm happy you made it." Hurley said to me, "Now go get cleaned up."

I walked up stairs, after brushing my teeth and taking a shower I walked to my assigned room.

"Hey can I talk to you?" I heard Rapp's voice coming from behind me.

"Yeah. What's wrong?" I turned to look at him.

"I just wanted to say, you saved my life out there today. Thank you."

"Yeah. That's what a team does." I smiled at him.

"A team?" He took a step closer to me.

"Are we not a team?" I asked.

"Anything more than that?" He looked into my eyes in the dimly lit hallway.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I can read you like a book, Kat." He got even closer, "I know you feel the same way I do."

I allowed him to get closer, I felt a rush as his soft lips brushed against mine.

"There's one problem," I spoke against his lips and placed a hand on his chest, pushing him back. "I'm not like Greta." I took a step back looked him in the eyes before turning around and going in my room, closing the door behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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