Chapter 3

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This Saturday morning, Jurina was having a hard time fully enjoying her breakfast, because of a certain very attractive long, dark-haired stripper who stubbornly refused to leave her mind in peace. Jurina placed her chopsticks aside, a small sigh leaving her lips in defeat. It had now been two weeks since she visited The Blue Moon with her best friend Mayu, and Gekikara's spellbinding performance was still vividly engraved inside her head.

No matter how many times Jurina kept repeating to herself she needed to forget about her, Gekikara's image always submerged her mind with great ease, and way too frequently for her liking.

"Are you finally going to the strip club tonight?" A feminine voice distracted her from her musing.

Jurina blinked, staring back at her roommate who was sitting opposite her at the kitchen table, and casually mixing with the rice the egg she had just cracked inside her bowl. "What? Why would I go back there?"

"To see her," Mayu replied and rolled her eyes dramatically, as if she had just asked the stupidest question ever. "I'm pretty sure you haven't stopped thinking about that new stripper."

Jurina widened her eyes in stupefaction. Since their visit to the strip club, she had carefully made sure not to mention Gekikara to her best friend. It wasn't because she wasn't thinking about the new stripper – quite the contrary – but precisely because she was desperately attempting to put that encounter behind her. Somehow, she guessed her best friend would never let it go if she confessed the new stripper had been monopolizing all her thoughts.

Well, it appeared her effort to keep it a secrecy was much futile. In the end, she truly couldn't hide much from her perceptive best friend.

"I still don't understand why you didn't let her finish the lap dance..." Mayu mused.

Jurina fidgeted in her seat nervously. Oh yes, Mayu had definitely been startled to see her leaving the private room before the time was up, not failing to pepper her with questions when they made their way back to the apartment. Jurina was left with no other choice but to satiate her curiosity, although she cleverly made sure to leave a few details out. No matter how close they were, Mayu didn't need to know absolutely everything.

Especially not the true impact and very dangerous effects Gekikara's lascivious lap dance had on a certain lower part of her body...

"Anyway..." Jurina figured out her friend was unfortunately not done with the subject yet when she pointed her chopsticks at her. "I haven't seen you showing interest in someone in several months. You should go back to the club tonight. You know, to make better acquaintance with her."

Jurina growled. Given her friend's mischievous expression and sexual undertones, it was more than crystal clear what plans Mayu had elaborated in her head for her. "Gekikara is not Akane. She doesn't offer those kinds of special... services."

"How do you know?" Mayu retorted. "You haven't even asked her."

"I just know." Mayu's persistence was getting slightly annoying, but she was not ready to relent. "And what makes you think I want to sleep with her in the first place?"

"Oh come on," Mayu laughed. "I'm not blind. You couldn't detach your eyes from her the whole time. You clearly find her attractive."

Jurina heaved a heavy sigh, burying her face in her hands in despair when she sensed she was not going to win that little argument. "Can we just... not talk about her? I'm trying to move on, and you're not helping right now."

"Move on?" Mayu snorted. "You're interested in her: don't even try to deny it. That's why I'm telling you to stop torturing yourself and go back to the club. That's the best advice your adorable and caring best friend can give you."

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