Chapter 6

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It had already been a week since Jurina had last met Gekikara and, when she stepped in The Blue Moon that Saturday evening, felt terribly torn on the best way to address what had transpired between them. The stripper hadn't been shy to invite her out for a drink and, after leaving the Furukawa Lounge Bar, even bluntly made her advances out in the open, the heated kiss they had shared in that alley a memory impossible to erase.

Since her arrival at the club, Gekikara had been swamped with work. They hardly had the opportunity to exchange a few words, that the stripper had been forced to already leave her table, her presence being requested by a young and eager boy for a private lap dance upstairs. Tonight, Jurina could sense something was wrong with herself and she was not in a right state of mind when the familiar view of the older girl flirting with others sparked an unusual flame of jealousy in her.

Gekikara's current success shouldn't have come as a surprise. As soon as Jurina had fell under the charm of her natural beauty and spellbinding performance, she had predicted the new dancer would refine her technique in no time and would attract a solid basis of regular clients as she would gain more experience. However, never until today had she felt such a negative emotion emerging inside her.

In the past, Jurina often felt a tinge of disappointment when they were having a pleasurable conversation and Gekikara would have to leave her side to join another client. Despite it, she certainly never held it against the stripper or felt abnormally envious of others, grasping she was merely performing her duties. Not only were other customers in their perfect right to ask for her favors, she also needed to make a living. Already, Jurina was grateful the older girl was generous enough to accept spending time in her company, when she barely earned any money with her.

So why wasn't she thinking rationally tonight?

In reality, it was still hard for her to wrap her head around the possibility that Gekikara perceived her as more than a random customer, and that moment of intimacy between them truly held some significance. The dancer had affirmed without detour her interest in her, nevertheless a part of her couldn't help doubting the sincerity of her words. What if it was solely an impulsive gesture, done on the spur of the moment?

Gekikara seemed in full possession of her faculties when she had pushed her against the wall and brought their lips together, but this unbelievable evening made little sense to her. The invitation. The flirtatious behavior. The unforeseen confession. The passionate kiss. If Jurina had had more alcohol in her system, she would have convinced herself she had imagined the whole thing.

Jurina let out a heavy, despondent sigh. She had absolutely no idea what to expect when she entered The Blue Moon two hours ago, but the evening had taken an unpredictable and unpleasant turn. For the third time, she waved to the female waitress, pointing at her empty bottle of beer once she had successfully gotten her attention. "Another one, please," she asked when the girl approached.

"Jurina, don't you think..."

The young Anna had always been very sweet to her, but if there's anything she wasn't, it was subtle when it came to expressing her emotions. Judging by her troubled look and reluctance to take her order, it wasn't hard to guess she was most likely not approving her decision of ordering a third bottle of beer. Another day, she might have felt touched by the waitress' thoughtful attention but tonight, she frankly couldn't care any less.

She urgently needed to find a way to quiet down that annoying and unhealthy feeling that arose each time she observed Gekikara interacting ever so casually with potential prospects, and alcohol appeared the most promising solution right now.

"Another Kirin," Jurina repeated, this time with more insistence.

Jurina could almost see the gears turning within the waitress' head as she stared at her for a few, pregnant seconds, probably asking herself if it was wise or not to accept, and if she shouldn't instead try and take her out of it. Visibly, Jurina's determination conveyed the appropriate message as the waitress nodded silently, a small, awkward smile plastering her features when she walked away.

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