Chapter 5

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Jurina waited aside patiently while Gekikara finished getting dressed, considerably relieved to witness her features more relaxed. For a while, as her body kept shivering against her and the older girl refused to leave the comfort her arms provided, Jurina feared she wasn't emotionally stable enough to continue work after such a traumatizing incident. The thought of suggesting her to leave work early crossed her mind more than once, but she had refrained from doing so when it appeared the stripper had unexpectedly recovered much faster and better than anticipated.

Indeed, Gekikara's steps were steady again when she had slowly pulled away from her embrace and retrieved her clothes from the floor one by one, and her fingers hadn't wavered in the slightest when she had slipped carefully into them. Even though they spoke very few words during the process, Jurina had observed her attentively, reassured to see back in those brown eyes the composure she was so familiar with. Once she was fully dressed, Jurina followed her out of the private room, immediately concerned when she noticed a flash of hesitation in Gekikara's eyes when the latter shut the door behind them.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Jurina feared the stripper might be attempting to hide her true feelings behind a fake mask of confidence. "I'm sure your employer would understand if you decided to go back home after what you've been through..."

"I'm okay..." Gekikara turned and smiled back at her. "I'm really okay. No, I was wondering... When are you planning on leaving the club tonight?"

Jurina was taken aback by the odd question but checked the time on her watch. "Probably around 1:30 a.m." She looked up and frowned. "Why?"

"Would you mind waiting a little more?" the stripper asked tentatively. "I finish at 2 a.m. and I really want to buy you a drink. I know a nice place a few minutes away from here: it stays open until very late."

The offer rendered Jurina momentarily speechless, before presuming it had to be linked to the previous incident, and it was the stripper's generous way of thanking her for her last-minute intervention. Despite being undeniably moved by the thoughtful attention, she shook her head in protest. "No, you already thanked me. I'm glad you're safe, but you really don't need to do that."

Jurina believed the matter to be over when the older girl didn't insist and, as she was about to join the main room downstairs and let Gekikara continue her work, felt her hand being seized without warning. "I don't know what could have happened without your help. Please, let me buy you a drink... It's the least I can do."

Startled by the stripper's unexpected move and tenacity, Jurina's first instinct was to not give in and refuse. However, as they stared lengthily into each other's eyes and Jurina contemplated her options, she could feel her resolve faltering under the stripper's intense, pleading look. Once more, Jurina was confronted with the signs of her own helplessness, all too aware of the powerful effects the stripper's charms had on her. The more she kept coming back to the club and the longer she stayed in Gekikara's presence, the less likely their influence had any chance of decreasing...

"Gekikara..." Jurina winced in unease but ended up being incapable of saying no to those fascinating small brown orbs, even less when – that hand that had captured hers so effortlessly strengthened its grip around her fingers. "Yes, alright..." Jurina relented. "I'll wait for the end of your shift."

Instantly, a pleased smile spread across Gekikara's face. "Don't you dare changing your mind and leaving," Gekikara threatened and leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss against her cheek. "Or I won't forgive you."

The stripper's cheeky tone didn't go unnoticed, her last words resonating within her as she watched Gekikara leaving her side and walking away, although not before giving her one last, small playful smile. Unsettled by the unexpected affectionate gesture, she stood motionless on the spot, the feeling of Gekikara's soft lips lingering on her skin even long after she had vanished from her sight. As she listened to the sound of her heart hammering inside her chest, she asked herself if she hadn't just made a huge mistake.

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