'we're looking for someone to adopt'

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I'm Megan. But you can call me meg for short. I've been an orphan for as long as I can remember. Spending every day in my little care home in London is all I know of.

Don't get me wrong, I love my home. The head care worker is called Mary. She's such a lovely woman, always caring for us. Checking we're okay and giving us the happy life we've always wanted, but I've always wanted a 'normal life'.

I'd love a mum and a dad to come home to, to tuck me in at night and to tell me I'm their 'Princess' when I'm tired and sleepy. Someone to take me shopping, to give me their time and to live their life revolved around me. ☺️

The care home is great. We have big meals together, game nights, movie nights, competitions and lots of people to talk to if we feel lonely. Its all great having so many friends to live with, but they all leave and get adopted at some stage.

I've had so many friends over the years, who I thought would never leave me, but they all have. Apart from one person. Ellie. Ellie is my best friend! We do everything together. We sing, dance, cook, clean and binge over terrible movies with eachother. We're like sisters!

It's pretty unlikely that we'll get adopted as we're the two oldest kids in the house. Everyone these days just wants a little boy/ girl to have grow up with them, whereas we're already 'grown up' to them.

Anyway, Today was no normal day. It's open adoption day! Just for one day a year, the house is open to all people wishing to adopt. A chance for us to meet new families that could be willing to take us home.

Ellie and I were just planning on filming a few covers of songs and writing fanfics today as there's no point in us even leaving our room without being bombarded by stressed care workers asking us to do jobs for the children that are being adopted.

The time has come, me and Ellie shut the door to our shared bedroom and started to strum away to some songs. Having filmed 2 or 3 covers already, we decided to pop downstairs to get a drink and a snack and to say hello to a few people we pass by.

By the time we'd finished trying to venture through the visitor crowded house, we decided to shoot one more cover and then move onto some originals. "what song should we cover last then ells" I asked, reaching for my chordbook I was given by my mum before she died.
" what about somebody to you by the vamps?" Ellie replied, sipping some of her orange juice we'd just been to fetch.
"Yess! I love that song! The vamps have such good music, we should cover some more of their music soon! You start recording and I'll start to strum the introduction" I replied, with an excited grin on my face.

With that, Ellie pressed the big red button hanging onto the side of our 10 year old shared camcorder the care home had and started to sing.

"I used to wanna be, living like there's only meee, but now I spend my time, thinking bout a way to keep you off my mind" I sang, strumming my guitar lightly.
"Look at me now, I'm falling! Can't even talk, still stuttering, this ground of mine keeps shaking" ellie continued
"Oh, oh, oh..." we chanted at the exact same time.

"Now! Those are some bloody great voices!" Said a deep, manly voice poking his head around the door, making me jump as I turned round to see who it was. "Hey guys, I'm james. James mcvey. Do you girls live here?" said a man who I'm sure Ellie would also recognise to be mr James mcvey from the one and only.. the vamps!

"Ahhh.. ummm.. yeah we live here☺️" I stumbled, quite shocked to hear that James mcvey had just been listening to us sing his song. "Did you just hear us sing that??!" I mumbled.
"We did indeed! You have such beautiful voices! And you're insane at playing guitar! What are your names?" James said, opening the door, to show Tristan, Connor and Brad also standing smiling behind him.
"I'm Meghan and this is Ellie" I chuckled

"Hey Ellie and meg, So, are you guys up for adoption? You seem so cool and we're looking for someone to adopt so we have some buds in our house! You'd also get to tour for a bit with us if you want!" Tris excitedly blurted from his pinky plump lips, smiling widely.
"Woah, tris! Hold ya horses! We only just met the poor girls😂! Connor interrupted, reassuring us they weren't trying to be pushy.
"That would be awesome!!! I screamed. "Of course I'd love to move in with you guys! Today? Or next week? When!? Which one of yous going to adopt me?!" Smiling isn't even a big enough word to describe my face right now.
"Really☺️" a blushing brad spoke nervously, sending a little smile my way making me feel a little nervous "Well, james would adopt one of you and tris would adopt the other one and we would take you in like.. well now!"

"I can't go." Ellie finally spoke. "I've got another family who want to adopt me and I'm getting on with them really well. Sorry guys, I'd love you to adopt me, it's just I can't." She continued.
"Oh, okay. If you're sure." James replied, placing a hand on her back.
"Oh yeah.." i muttered. "Will you be ok if I go? We can still stay in contact, you can come and visit me and you'll get our room to yourself for a while!;)"
"Of course meg! We'll always be best friends and we'll meet up all the time! Now, let me help you start to pack while the boys start to sign paperwork" Ellie finished.

"Is that ok with you guys?" I asked, turning at the gazed boys.
"Yeah of course, they said in unison. We'll be downstairs. See you in 10 mins?" They said.
"See you in 10☺️" I blushed, bending down to start packing my very few belongings.

Ten minuets later, Ellie and the rest of the family were all gathered round me saying their goodbyes and wishing me luck. Of course I'm crying. I'm saying goodbye to my old life! Opening a door to my new one! I can't wait to see what the future holds.

And with that, the boys guided me outside to the taxi and we drove home to our new mansion.

A/n.. hey guys! This is my new book! I'll be uploading to this every other day ish, so keep an eye out for new chapters! Remember to share and vote! Thanks x hope you enjoyed x

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