'you two will be madly in love'

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Waking up, I hear the faint noise of a hospital monitor bleeping at me.



What happened? Why am i in a hospital bed?

"Thank god you're awake Meg!" Said a very chirpy brad rushing over with his arms wide open.

"What...Brad..what happened to me?" I ask, still feeling very confused about where and why I'm here.

Ouch.. my head is throbbing.! I look down at my arms and there is a bruise splattered down my left one.. as if a bright purple cloud of horror has dominated my skin.

"Meg.. you fell. The doctors said that you've been under a lot of stress recently. Your body couldn't take it anymore so it just shut down. It was so lucky we found you in time.. you had a severe head injury, but luckily the doctors have managed to fix you up again." Connor said as he rushed over to give me a light hug.

Just as he pulled away, a doctor walked into the room holding a large clipboard with a stethoscope around his neck. "Ah, good morning Meghan. I'm Dr Jones and I've been looking after you while you've been here in hospital. Today should hopefully be you last day here in hospital and you'll be heading home this evening once we've completed a few tests on you."

"Oh.. uhh.. hi. Thankyou for looking after me. So.. would someone be able to tell me what's actually happened??" I said, still feeling very confused about what the hell has actually happened and why I'm here?

"Right." Tris started.. I'll tell the story.. "we had all just had dinner and you had gone to bed. The boys and I stayed up a bit longer, but eventually we all decided to call it a night too. Brad for some reason wanted to bring you cookies and milk,"

I couldn't help but giggle and blush when Tris said Brad was bringing me cookies n milk.. he's such a sweetie ☺️

"But," Tris continued, "When he knocked on the door, there was no answer. He thought you were probably just asleep so he went in to leave them on your dresser for when you wake up in the morning, but when he walked in he found you passed out on the floor.. he called for us so we rang 999 and they came to get you immediately. You were asleep all day yesterday and have only just woken up.. we were so worried!!" Tris half smiled but frowned at the same time.

Oh god.. this must have been because of all the stress of moving in with the boys.. it's happened to me before. I was moving in with a new foster family when I was younger but the same thing happened. In the end, it didn't work out with the family and they sent me straight back to the care home..

"I'm so sorry guys.. I didn't mean for this to happen! God it must've been so stressful for you.." I said looking at all the boys.

"No seriously, it's fine Meg. It must be so hard having such a huge lifestyle change all of a sudden. You've been so brave so far and we're all so proud of you!" James said smiling widely.

"Anyway," said Doctor Jones, "You need rest Meg, we'll be back at lunchtime with some food and more painkillers so we can start your tests. Come on lads, she needs to sleep."

"Cor I wish I was you Meg.. it's an excuse to sleep all the time!" Con laughed making me chuckle back.

The boys all left and shut the door on their way out. I can't sleep.. I'm not tired at all, my head is throbbing. After all, I have just spent the last 2 days sleeping anyway!

I decide that I'll catch up on all of my messages on my phone so I switch it on and attempt to connect to the hospital WiFi.

After about 10 attempts of signing into the hospital wifi, I finally have connection. My phone explodes with notifications, leaving me completely startled.. what do I look at first!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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