The Meet Cute

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Sam Wesson frowned as he sat in the small room, looking around at all the babyish decorations on the wall, along with the giant crib, changing table and rocking chair. He had a whole nursery, but no baby to complete it.

The big house felt lonely half the time. When he wasn't working in his office downtown at Gamble and Brant Law Firm, he was searching for an Adult Baby for his very own, with no such luck.

His cell phone rings, He sees the caller ID bring up Chad's name. "Hello."

"Hey! Dude are you still looking?" asked Chad excitedly.

"Yea. Why? You didn't like the idea when I told you." said Sam.

"Well that's before I talked to Cas down at the homeless shelter on Tenth and Washington Ave." said Chad.

Sam's eyebrows raised at this news, getting a little excited. "Mhmm...?"

"Well according to him, there's a mentally unstable kid that has been there for a while. He thinks this kid could be what your looking for and it would help the kid out." said Chad with a sigh.

"Mentally unstable how?" asked Sam hesitantly.

"Well, I guess he has panic attacks and can't keep a fucking job, plus he wets the bed and sucks his thumb. Dude! He's 26 and sucks his thumb!" says Chad exasperated.

Sam can picture the disgusted look on Chad's face at the thought of anyone older than 5 sucking their thumb. "OK, that's not that bad, can deal with issues."

"So tomorrow, I'll come get you and we can go talk to Cas....Yes I'm going with you...The things I do for you," Chad with a huff.

"Oh please don't strain yourself by being a good friend," laughed Sam.

"Yea yea... Tomorrow, 10 am," said Chad as they hung up.

Sam lay awake for hours thinking about the potential candidate. What he looked like, if he would like Sam, if he would indeed be the right fit. What would he ask Cas about the boy? After what seemed like hours, Sam finally fell asleep.


The next morning Sam woke, dressed, shaved, and ate just before Chad showed up in his 2000 Ford Focus, blaring Emo pop on the stereo.
"COME ON ASSMUNCH!" Chad called out to Sam as he closed the front door.

"Watch your mouth while we're there, please," begged Sam as he folded himself into the front seat.
Chad rolled his eyes and backed out of the driveway, toward the homeless shelter.


Cas is the Director of the Saint Mary's Homeless Shelter and Food Bank of Mason County. For months now he watched this poor boy, Dean, be tormented by others who stayed here to get out of the bitter cold, about his odd behavior. Cas figured Dean had come from an abusive home or partner, when every Wednesday Social Services, Miss Katie Cassidy, would show up to met with the boy.

Miss Cassidy would stop by to chat with him after she met with Dean to see how he was getting on at the shelter. Of course, Cas had told her about Sam and his offer to take care of the boy and the fact that Sam was going to be by tomorrow to talk with him. She thought it was a sweet deal. Dean would have love, caring, and a place to be. Sam would get to nurture and spoil the boy, a win win in her book. Cas was just getting ready to speak to Dean about it when Miss Cassidy showed up.

"So what do you think? Think Dean will go for it?" asked Cas.

"He might. Do you want me to talk to him?" asked Miss Cassidy.

"I think we both should," said Cas as he stood up from his desk. They walked out of the small office to the craft table where Dean was currently sitting, coloring a cartoon page meant for the younger kids at the shelter. Miss Cassidy sat next to him, bumping him with her shoulder and smiling at him.

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