Night terrors and Hand Gernades

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"NO NO NO NO NO!" Dean wailed. He was caught in the middle of a night terror, thrashing on his cot.

Soaked from sweat and pee, screaming in fear. It was 2 am and the over night volunteer tired to calm him down with soothing words without touching him. Dean went on screaming, "DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY DaaaDEE!!"

The volunteer didn't know what to do. It was only his second night at the shelter; he decided to call Cas.

Cas could hear Dean screaming out in the parking lot as he walked into the building; he sounded like someone was murdering him. He walked up to Dean's cot, where the boy was wailing and thrashing, to the volunteer, "How long?"

"2 hours."

"Alright, I'm calling Sam."

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Sam's phone echoed across the house; the shrill ring tone woke him up.


Sam? It's Cas. Dean is in the middle of a night terror and we need you."

"Is that Dean screaming?"

"Yea, get here soon."

"OK, on my way."

"Bring clothes."

Sam hung up, got dressed, grabbed what would be Dean's diaper bag and headed out the door.

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When Sam, got to the shelter, Dean was still thrashing and screaming on his cot. His heart broke when he saw his Little boy caught in the midst of such a terrible dream. Sam went right up to his cot, picked him up, holding him close and whispered soothing words. Sitting down on a dry spot on the cot with the boy in his arms, rocking him back and forth.

"It's okay, you're okay. Daddy's gotcha," whispered Sam as Dean still screamed an ear piercing shrill of a scream. Sam noticed Moose was missing.

"Cas, have you seen his moose?"

The older man looked around the cot and under the blankets, Moose wasn't there. All he found was his binky. He looked over the room, earlier Abby had tried to take it and so did Howard at dinner. Cas checked both places, he found it nestled in with Abby's cats. Grabbing the moose, he went back over to Sam and the screaming meme that was Dean and handed it over.

Dean was still screeching while Sam whispered, "Baby, I got Moose, it's okay now, you're okay." as he rocked him. That didn't stop his wailing.

Sam decided that this would be the perfect time to change Dean out of his wet clothes, since he was still asleep and screaming.

"Cas, can you make a warm bottle of milk and honey for me?"

"Do you think he'll take it?"

"Its worth a try... I'm going to go get him comfy," as Sam carried him (the boy weighed next to nothing) to the bathroom to change him from his wet, sweaty, pee-filled clothing.

Sam laid him down on the changing table hooked into the wall, started taking everything off of him. His flannel, t-shirt, socks, jeans, boxer briefs all went into the trash. Dean had quite the rash starting on his groin area, so Sam put some A&D ointment on him before throwing a diaper on. Then came the footie pajama's.

Throughout the whole ordeal, Dean screamed and thrashed, still caught in the terrible dream he was having and Sam remained calm. Dean lashed out with one fist to punch nothing, almost catching Sam in the face. Sam caught his hand and started whispering soothing words as he picked him up, bouncing him a couple of times lightly and walked back to Dean's cot.

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