The Meanie Next Door

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Dean woke up to the feeling of being watched. He sat up in his crib, rubbed his eyes and looked around the room. The one and only window had a shade up to let natural light in (Daddy said it's healthier than turning on the lights, whatever that means). On the other side of the window stood their neighbor they met this morning after building their snowman. The man waved to Dean, scaring him. Dean started to cry out for Daddy, but Uncle Chad came instead. The man ran away as soon as Dean started crying.

"Hey, hey it's okay bud. Uncle Chad's right here. Let's get your bum changed and go see Daddy," as he picked him up, rubbing his back.

"Un... Uncle Shad... Meanie.. In window," said Dean trying to calm down.

"Meanie in your window? You mean you saw someone at you window, baby?" asked Uncle Chad as he laid Dean down to change him.

Dean nodded "Scar me's," he lifted his hips so Uncle Chad could put a dry diaper under him.

"What did he look like Dean?" asked Uncle Chad tapping up his diaper.

"The meanie!" said Dean as Uncle Chad picked him up, "Moose pease." Uncle Chad took Moose out of the crib and handed it to him, Dean clutched the moose hard to his chest.

"Dean, this is important, we need to go tell Daddy, OK," said Uncle Chad, they walked out of the nursery and into the kitchen to grab Dean a sippy cup of juice. Dean nodded as he cuddled into Uncle Chad.

"Hey Sam, Dean has something to tell you that's very important." said Uncle Chad as they sat down on the couch, Dean between them.

"What is it honey?" asked Daddy putting an arm around him.

"Meanie in window," said Dean as he held Moose tighter and shivering a little.

"What?" asked Daddy looking at Uncle Chad in concern.

"The shade was up in his room; he says he saw that guy from this morning at his window peeking at him when he woke up. It scared him," said Uncle Chad with a mad voice that kinda scared Dean more. "Baby boy, I'm not mad at you. Sorry."

"I'm calling the police," said Daddy as he grabbed his phone, dialing 911.

"While Daddy makes a phone call, how about we watch our movie?" asked Uncle Chad getting up to get the movie in the Blu-ray player. "Do you want popcorn..."

"He can't have popcorn Chad! He's allergic remember!" called out Daddy from the kitchen.

"Sorry lil Dude," said Uncle Chad as he sat back down putting his arm around Dean and starting the movie.

"Uncle Shad... Binky pease," asked Dean.

"Sure, I'll go get it, be right back," said Uncle Chad getting up to go find Binky in his crib.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

The patio glass door was in the living room and the stood the man. Dean started screaming for Daddy and Uncle Chad. They both came running, not seeing anything that could have made Dean scream like that. Dean pointed to the door. The man wasn't there anymore but his boot prints were. Daddy was still on the phone with the police, he told them to send someone over right now.

Uncle Chad sat down next to Dean, cuddling into him and giving him his binky. Dean was shaking all over in his in his uncle's arms. He sat there with Dean, rubbing his arm and side as Dean laid his head on Uncle Chad's chest, suckling on his binky trying to calm down.

There was a knock on the door, Daddy went to get it. They could hear Daddy talking to someone in the hallway.

Dean started to whine.

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