The meanie next door part 2

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Miss Cassidy showed up at the same time the pizza did. She gave Dean a smile and went to talk to Daddy. Dean looked at Uncle Chad as she walked away. Uncle Chad shrugged his shoulders as he put Dean in his booster seat at the table. Grampa put cut up pizza on a Lego Dino plate and a sippy cup of water in front of him. Dean started eating and humming.

"I'd like to talk to Dean in private when he is done eating, of course. Sam you have to be in the room but you can't say anything," said Miss Cassidy.

"I understand Katie, I know the drill," said Daddy as they walked into the kitchen to find pizza sauce had swallowed Dean. "Where's my Baby? Dean? Where are you?" as he got a wipe to clean him up.

"Wite heer," giggle Dean.

"Are you sure?" asked Daddy as he started to clean him up, "Oh there you are! I thought I lost you to a pizza!"

"No Daddy, ew silly!" giggled Dean.

Miss Cassidy was in awe... Dean was talking!

"Hi Dean."

"Hi Miss Cassidy," said Dean as Daddy cleaned his hands.

"It's a good thing someone put a bib on you," said Daddy as he took it off.

'Uncle Shad said... said... said Dino's get tummy boo-boos from peeza," said Dean lifting his arms for Daddy to pick him up.

"Like you do when you eat popcorn," said Uncle Chad who was passing through to get a drink.

Daddy picked Dean up and carried him into Daddy's room, Miss Cassidy followed. He sat down on the bed with Dean on his lap. Miss Cassidy sat down in Daddy's computer chair.

"Dean can you tell me what you did today?" asked Miss Cassidy holding a pen (recorder) looking thing.

"Uncle Shad come, De up,up,up, we's make snowmens, meanie come talk Uncle Shad, wet off, Daddy up,up,up, eat eggies, nite-nite time, meanie in window, movie time Uncle Shad.... Daddy! No watch movie! Uncle Shad mad me's?" Dean started to pout.

"No baby, Uncle Chad's not mad at you," said Daddy, but Dean's not buying it until he hears it from Uncle Chad. So Miss Cassidy went to ask Uncle Chad to come in for a minute.

"Dude, I'm not mad. We are going to watch it even if we have to stay up past nite-nite time! Okay?" said Uncle Chad giving Dean a high five before leaving the room.

"Okay, Dean what happened after the man was at your window?" asked Miss Cassidy.

"Binky losted, Uncle Shad find, meanie in door, I scar!" says Dean.

"You got scared?" asked Miss Cassidy.

"Yea," said Dean yawning; it was a long, rough day.

"Well, I saw that snowman and you did an awesome job. Daddy must be very proud. Uncle Chad must have thought you were a good boy to go outside and play," said Miss Cassidy.

Dean blushes, "I's like snowmens. Surwise Daddy."

"Yup that was the mission huh, bud. Uncle Chad says if there's a mission you must complete it," said Daddy, hugging Dean as he snuggled closer, yawning again, "I think someone is ready for a nite-nite buba."

"No I's not! Uncle Shad...Uncle Shad say up late watch movie!" said Dean with another yawn. Daddy picked him up and stood leading the way back out to the kitchen.

"Hey Uncle Chad, can you make someone a nite-nite buba?" asked Daddy swaying back and forth with Dean.

"Yup sure can! Anything for my Lil Dude," said Uncle Chad going to the cabinet that they are kept in.

"NO! I's not sweepy et!" whined Dean as he rubbed his eyes.

Uncle Chad chuckled, "OK bud. But I'm going to make it just in case you want it, then we'll go watch our movie in Daddy's bed."

Dean's eyes grew Big and looked at Daddy. "I's get sweep in Daddy bed?"

"Yup, just for tonight." said Daddy.

Uncle Chad made the bottle and took Dean from Daddy. Daddy went to get the movie from the living room. Uncle Chad lay Dean down on Daddy's bed, getting him situated, takes movie from Daddy and pops it in the Blu-ray player.

"Be good for Uncle Chad and watch the movie, okay?" Daddy kisses Dean on the forehead and goes back out to the kitchen, while Uncle Chad lays down next to Dean and they watch Polar Express.

20 minutes in, Dean takes nite-nite buba and is out like a light. Uncle Chad decides to watch the rest of the movie, since Dean is splayed on top of him. His head is on Uncle Chad's chest, cozy. Uncle Chad tugs Daddy's blankey up over them both.

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Sam goes to cheek on Chad and Dean, peaking in to see Dean fast asleep on top of Chad, Buba hanging from his mouth. Chad just chilling watching the movie, without a care in the world. Needless to say it was cute. Ellen peaked in too.

"That boy is one tough nut to crack, but Dean melted his heart. So cute."

"Yea," Sam sighed.

They both went back out to deal with the police. Donna and Jody said that the neighbor would be arrested soon. In the meantime, Sam was online looking for privacy shades, the shades that let light in but no one could see inside.

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Jody woke Sam up from the couch around 2:30 am, to let him know the neighbor was arrested and they found two AB Children in his basement, shackled and tortured, but alive. To think that could have been Dean. Sam went to his bedroom to check on Chad and Dean, He was still on top of Chad, drooling on Chad's chest. Sam smiled at the sight of Chad's arm around him protectively. Closing the door, he went back out to the kitchen where Jody and Ellen were drinking coffee and talking.

"...... Lucky Dean saw him and they had that Nanny-cam or else we would've never caught the bastard," said Jody.

"Well, my grand-baby is a smart lil thing," said Ellen looking up as Sam walked in.

"I'm just glad my son is safe, kinda hoping my offices get the case, so that guy burns. I'm sure Morgan & Crowley will get it though, which will be well worth it."

"More likely you will be called as a witness on behalf of Dean, They don't like putting AB Children on the stand."

"Mom, If that happens Dean's going to your house. I don't want him in a court room." Sam poured himself a cup of coffee and heard footsteps coming down the hall from Sam's room. Dean sleepily toddling to him, rubbing his eyes with tears.

"Baby, why you awake? Its too early," said Grama.

"DaaDee!" cried Dean as Daddy picked him up, putting him on his hip and taking a sip of coffee as Dean lays his head down on his shoulder.

"Did you have a bad dream, Lil man?" asked Daddy rubbing his back.

Dean nodded and whined.

"Do you want a nite-nite buba?" asked Daddy moving closer to the cabinet that held them.

Dean nodded.

"Here hon, I'll make it. Go get comfy with him on the couch. I'll bring it," said Grama.

Daddy walked in and sat them on the couch, Grama handing the bottle to Daddy and Dean fussing for it.

"Okay buddy, okay. I know, bad dreams suck," said Daddy as Dean took the nipple into his mouth and drank. Daddy started humming 'Hey Jude' and Dean went back to sleep.

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