Chapter 3

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Shallowstar's tail lashed in alarm and she leaped to her paws. Palefoot and Iceclaw stood up beside her, their fur bristling.

"Where?" Shallowstar demanded, her eyes wide with alarm.

"By their border!" Blacktail gasped out, her fur bristling. "They said that Shadepaw was hunting too close to the border and then they came and attacked us! I came to get help!"

"How many DarkClan cats are there?" Palefoot asked.

"At least six," Blacktail reported, "Maybe seven. They're attacking Shadepaw and Thistlefang!"

"Alright," Shallowstar growled, "I'll lead a patrol there at once! You stay here, Blacktail. We'll find our way."

She turned toward the Clan and flicked her tail at Palefoot.

"Stay here," Shallowstar ordered her deputy, "We need to make sure the camp is defended."

Palefoot nodded and flexed her claws. Shallowstar gave her a nod and addressed the rest of the cats.

Ravenpaw jumped to her feet and bounded over, her heart thumping wildly in her chest. Maybe I'll get to fight!

It wouldn't be her first skirmish with DarkClan. The two Clans had been in border clashes multiple times, and she'd fought them twice.

This time I might get made a warrior! Ravenpaw thought, fierce energy making her paws quiver.

"I'll stay and defend the camp," Mouseclaw announced from his spot beside Longfur.

"I will too," Birdflight spoke up, "If any DarkClan cat tries to get into the camp, I assure you they won't with me here!"

"Right," Shallowstar gave Birdflight a nod of approval. "I want Thornwhisker and Ravenpaw to stay here as well."

"But I want to fight!" Ravenpaw objected, digging her claws into the ground. Shallowstar shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Ravenpaw, but you're injured," Shallowstar said firmly, "You shouldn't fight in your condition. Besides, you'll be needed to defend the camp."

Thornwhisker gave Ravenpaw a warning glare, telling her not to argue anymore with her leader.

"Of course," Ravenpaw meowed, dipping her head to Shallowstar. The Clan leader gave her a quick nod before turning to Silverflight.

"Prepare the herbs," Shallowstar ordered the silver she-cat. "We'll need them after the battle. Make sure that Blacktail is alright as well." Shallowstar angled her ears toward the distraught she-cat.

"Of course," Silverflight meowed. She gently urged Blacktail to her feet. But Blacktail quickly recovered and gave herself a quick shake.

"Are you sure you don't want me to show you the way?" Blacktail asked Shallowstar.

"Quite," Shallowstar meowed, "You need to rest." She turned to the rest of the Clan again, then raised her tail.

"Cats who are going to fight, follow me!" Shallowstar yowled. She turned and raced out of the camp. The rest of her patrol quickly followed suit.

Ravenpaw's tail lashed in frustration. She really wanted to go fight!

"Ravenpaw!" Thornwhisker called from where he was talking to Berryheart and Birdflight. Their two kits were crouched nearby, their pelts ruffled with excitement.

"Yes?" Ravenpaw asked, trotting over to her mentor eagerly. Perhaps he'll give me something important to do!

"Stay in the nursery with the kits," Thornwhisker ordered her. Ravenpaw's heart sank as she glanced at the two young cats. She had been hoping to be asked to help guard or something. Not to babysit kits!

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