Chapter 26

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Ravenpaw washed herself beside the fresh-kill pile while listening to Graypaw and Sandpaw argue nearby. The two young cats were arguing about whether hunting or fighting was more important. By now, it was nearly nightfall, and the dusk patrol had returned recently.

"Hunting is more important, obviously," Graypaw meowed, "It's what keeps the Clan alive. Fighting actually harms cats!" Ravenpaw's ears twitched. The young tom certainly had a point. Yet Sandpaw still argued.

"Fighting is what keeps cats strong," Sandpaw argued, lashing her tail. "It also prevents cats from entering our territory to steal our food!" Ravenpaw rolled her eyes. She agreed with Graypaw; hunting was more important. If it weren't for cats hunting, the kits and elders would starve to death.

"Hey, Ravenpaw," Shadepelt's voice from behind made Ravenpaw jump. She turned to see that her brother had padded over and was standing behind her. Her ears grew hot with embarrassment and she gave her shoulder fur a lick.

"Oh, hello Shadepelt," Ravenpaw purred, hoping her brother didn't notice her jump. But his whiskers were twitching with amusement, and it was clear that he knew he'd startled her.

"Thornwhisker told me to come and tell you to check Longfur for ticks," Shadepelt said. He looked sheepish and added: "Er, sorry. I know it's not your favorite thing."

"I don't think it's any cat's favorite thing," Ravenpaw said with a snort. "And why can't Graypaw or Sandpaw check him for ticks?" Am I being punished?

"Graypaw already cleared the elder's den," Shadepelt replied, "And Sandpaw was battle training with Blacktail most of the day. Both Palefoot and Thornwhisker think that you should check Longfur for ticks."

"Fine," Ravenpaw muttered with an irritable twitch of her tail. "I guess I'll do it. I just wish I didn't have to, seeing as I'm going to be a warrior soon." And checking the elders for ticks is normally a punishment for apprentices, or something for the younger ones to do.

"Would you like me to help you?" Shadepelt asked with a cheerful flick of his tail.

"Sure!" Ravenpaw purred, curling her tail up. "That would be great! I would love for you to help me. Althougj you don't have to if you don't want to." She added quickly. Picking ticks off an elder was certainly not the most fun thing to do, and Ravenpaw knew her brother hated it. But she was glad that he had offered to help.

"Of course I'll help," Shadepelt purred, giving her a friendly nudge. "I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to!" His whiskers twitched. "Come on, let's go ask Silverflight for some mouse bile." He padded over to the medicine den, and Ravenpaw hurried over to his side. Just as they approached, the silver tabby medicine cat emerged from the den.

"Hello," Silverflight meowed as the two littermates reached her. "What can I do for you?" Her blue gaze had that odd look in it that Ravenpaw had seen multiple times. It made her feel strange but she tried to ignore it.

"We need some mouse bile," Ravenpaw explained, "We're going to check Longfur for ticks."

"Ah, I see," Silverflight said, the look in her eyes vanishing. "I'll gladly fetch some for you." She turned and headed into her den. When she emerged had a stick in her jaws with a wad of bile-soaked moss stuck to one end. She set it on the ground in front of them. "Here you go."

"Thanks," Ravenpaw meowed as she leaned down to pick the stick up. Her nostrils twitched at the rank smell of bile that came from the moss. Mouse bile was used to take ticks off the elders because ticks hated the smell of it just as much as cats.

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