Chapter 5

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Ravenpaw's stomach felt as though it was going to toss up her last meal as she entered the camp, still leaning against Shadepaw's flank. The pain in her shoulder was so intense; the worst pain she'd felt in her entire life.

He must've sunk his teeth in pretty deep, Ravenpaw thought, shuddering as she remembered Wolfpaw's triumph after he'd bitten her shoulder.

Shallowsrar had entered the camp ahead of them with Iceclaw, and was already in the medicine den by the time Ravenpaw reached the camp with her brother. When the two apprentices entered, Thornwhisker, still guarding the entrance, instantly began to scold Ravenpaw.

"Why in the name of StarClan did you sneak out? Shallowstar ordered you to stay in camp and rest in the nursery!" He sniffed at Ravenpaw's shoulder. "And you're injured worse than you were before! You put yourself in danger Ravenpaw."

"I'm sorry," Ravenpaw rasped, not meeting her mentor's gaze. She didn't want to see his disappointment.

"She fought well, though," Shadepaw defended her, "If it hadn't been for her, Wolfpaw would've clawed my pelt off!"

Thornwhisker stared sternly at the two cats for a moment. Then he sighed and stepped back. "I suppose you both should see Silverflight now."

Shadepaw instantly guided Ravenpaw to the medicine den. Ravenpaw felt the stares of all the Clan on her as she limped past the cats. Longfur and Mouseclaw were whispering together beside the elder's den. Berryflower and Birdflight sat in front of the nursery entrance, staring straight at her with unreadable expressions on their faces. Blacktail was stalking over to them with s mixture of anger and relief in her yellow eyes.

"Shadepaw, I'm so glad you're safe!" Blacktail gasped, pressing her muzzle against her son's head. "I was so worried you'd be badly hurt!"

"Don't worry about me," Shadepaw meowed, "Ravenpaw's the one who got badly injured." He glanced at Ravenpaw with concern in his yellow eyes.

"You," Blacktail snapped, "What in the name of StarClan were you thinking, sneaking out of camp like that? And after your leader told you not to!"

"I'm sorry," Ravenpaw muttered, looking at her paws. Guilt made the fur on her pelt prickle.

"I'm disappointed in you Ravenpaw," Blacktail hissed coldly, before stalking over to Birdflight and Berryflower.

"Don't listen to her," Shadepaw purred, giving Ravenpaw's ear a lick, "If you hadn't helped when you did, who knows what Wolfpaw would've done to me?"

Ravenpaw blinked greatfully at her brother. She was glad that he was trying to cheer her up, but nothing hurt more than her mother's fury. Not even the agonizing pain in her shoulder.

"Come," Shadepaw said gently, "Let's wait over there by the medicine den for Silverflight." He nodded toward a spot by the medicine den where Iceclaw and Thistlefang were broth waiting, cleaning their wounds.

As Shadepaw and Ravenpaw dragged themselves over and sat down, the two cats lifted their heads to look at them.

"You fought well, Shadepaw," Iceclaw said approvingly.

"You sure did," Thistlefang agreed with shining eyes, "You're going to make a great warrior soon!"

Ravenpaw looked at her paws, her pelt hot with shame. She was proud of her brother, but she only wished that her Clanmates would realize how great of a fighter she had been in the battle.

"You two were great, too," Shadepaw purred. He glanced at Ravenpaw, then added: "Ravenpaw fought well, too!"

"She was supposed to stay in the camp," Iceclaw growled, glaring at her with ice blue eyes.

"A disobedient apprentice is no use to any cat," Thistlefang growled, narrowing his eyes at Ravenpaw. She averted her gaze and looked at the grass beneath her paws.

I thought I was doing the right thing! She wanted to yowl.

Silverflight emerged from the medicine den with herbs in her jaws, padding over from cat to cat. First she started with Iceclaw. She set the herbs down on the grass and separated them with her paws. She took a herb- marigold, Ravenpaw remembered from her recent visit to the medicine den -and began to chew the juices out and drizzle them onto Iceclaw's scratches. Then she proceeded to do the same with Thistlefang.

"You two should take it easy," Silverflight told them, "No more fighting until these scratches are healed. I've put some marigold on them to prevent them from getting infected." She flicked her tail. "The two of you may go now."

Iceclaw dipped his head in thanks and respect before padding over to Palefoot, who had emerged from the warrior's den with wide eyes. Thistlefabg padded across the camp to where Mouseclaw and Longfur were talking to each other.

Silverflight calmly applied the marigold to Shadepaw's scratches. Shadepaw flinched as the marigold juices dripped into the scratches, and Ravenpaw remembered how much the marigold stung when it was applied. She twitched her ears sympathetically.

"You take it easy as well," Silverflight told Shadepaw, "Now go rest in your den."

"Thanks," Shadepaw meowed with a greatful dip of his head. He started to head off to the apprentice's den, then looked over his shoulder at Ravenpaw. "She was hurt pretty badly in the fight. Please take care of her."

Silverflight blinked at Shadepaw in surprise, then purred. "Of course! That's my job as a medicine cat after all!"

As Shadepaw padded off to the den, Silverflight sniffed at Ravenpaw's wounds. Her blue eyes flickered in surprise as she spotted the bite on Ravenpaw's shoulder.

"l should've tended to you before those three," Silverflight breathed, "I didn't realize you got hurt that bad!"

"I'm fin-" Ravenpaw began to protest, but Silverflight was already pressing against her side.

"You'll need to stay on my den for a while," Silverflight meowed softly as she supported Ravenpaw into the medicine den. There were three nests in the medicine den, two of them beside each other and one a few tail-lengths away.

Shallowstar was lying in one of the nests, her breathing weak and raspy. Blood was soaking through her fur, as well as the mossy nest underneath her. As Silverflight guided Ravenpaw into the nest, pain shot through her shoulder once more, and she had to dig her claws into the nest to stop herself from yelping.

"S-silverflight?" Shallowstar rasped. Silverflight turned away from Ravenpaw with a gasp, then rushed over to the injured leader.

"What?" Silverflight asked, clearly trembling. Shallowstar blinked weakly up at the medicine cat with her deep blue eyes.

"I-I'm losing a life," Shallowstar rasped. She then closed her eyes, took a deep trembling breath, and lay completely still.

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