Chapter 22

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Thornwhisker and Palefoot helped Ravenpaw bring all of her catches back to camp. Ravenpaw carried the mouse. Thornwhisker hauled the rabbit to camp, while Palefoot brought the squirrel. The two older cats had helped Ravenpaw look for the stranger when they were on the way to the spot where she'd left her prey for later, but they hadn't found anything. Not even a trace of unfamiliar scent.

Although Ravenpaw still felt uneasy about the thought of a stranger lurking somewhere on WoodClan territory, she felt quite safer with Thornwhisker and Palefoot around. Their familiar Clan scent made her feel somewhat stronger, as though she could take on anything.

At camp, the dawn patrol had already returned. Graypaw and Sandpaw were mock fighting near the edge of the clearing, close to the nursery. Shallowstar was having a conversation with Iceclaw, Silverflight, and Blacktail close to her den. Longfur and Mouseclaw were sharing some prey beside the fresh-kill pile, while Shadepelt ate by himself nearby. Berryflower and Birdflight were sharing tongues directly beside the camp entrance.

When Ravenpaw and her assessors deposited all of her prey in the fresh-kill pile, Shallowstar came padding over. Silverflight and Blacktail came with her, while Iceclaw stayed where he was and proceeded to groom himself.

"That looks like a lot of prey," Silverflight commented, her eyes wide. She leaned down and gave the squirrel a sniff.

"Yes," Shallowstar agreed, looking startled as she saw the rabbit. "That will feed many cats." She glanced at the squirrel and mouse as well, looking very impressed. Ravenpaw lifted her chin proudly, joy surging through her at being praised by the Clan leader.

"You caught that all yourself?" Blacktail asked. Ravenpaw stared hopefully at her mother, her heart suddenly feeling as though it would burst with tension. She suddenly realized how desperately she wanted her mother to be proud of her.

"Yeah," Ravenpaw said, almost nervously, "My assessment was to catch three things."

Blacktail tipped her head to one side, regarding the prey her daughter had caught. Ravenpaw dug her front claws into the ground, hungry for her mother's approval.

"Hmm," Blacktail's expression was surprised. Her eyes were slightly wide as she examined the prey Ravenpaw had killed. "Good job, Ravenpaw."

Joy surged through Ravenpaw's heart like a river. She gazed at her mother, shocked and glad that she'd managed to squeeze a compliment out of the strict she-cat. "T-thank you, Blacktail!"

For a moment, Blacktail gazed back at her affectionately. A purr rose through Ravenpaw's throat, and she kneaded the ground with one of her forepaws. She's proud of me!

"Yeah, great job!" Shadepelt purred, padding over and inspecting the prey. His own yellow eyes were bright and cheerful as he examined her fresh-kill. "You're a great hunter, Ravenpaw!"

She purred and blinked happily at her brother, lifting her head proudly. It had been so long since she'd done anything to make her Clanmates this proud, and she was especially glad that she'd finally managed to get her mother to compliment her as well.

"What's all the noise about?" Sandpaw was padding over with her brother at her side. The two cats looked tired after their little mock battle at the edge of the clearing.

"Ravenpaw caught a bunch of prey," Shadepelt told the two apprentices. They looked at the fresh-kill pile.

"What did she catch?" Graypaw asked. Sandpaw crouched down to sniff the fresh-kill pile, starting with the squirrel Ravenpaw had caught.

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