Chapter 17

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As Ravenpaw lay in her nest that night, she thought about Thornwhisker's praise, as well as what Nightshadow had said about her becoming a strong warrior. It felt great to know that there were cats who believed in her, though she still felt odd about not becoming a warrior at the same time as her brother.

But I'll be a warrior soon! Ravenpaw thought, pushing away any bitterness she felt about being made a warrior later than Shadepelt. I know I will!

Ravenpaw lifted her head, unable to fall asleep. She didn't feel tired. In fact, she felt as though she could go on another patrol.

But what if Nightshadow wants to help me and can't because I'm awake? Ravenpaw wondered, flicking her tail back and forth restlessly out of her nest. She looked at Graypaw and Sandpaw, who were curled up in their own nests, sound asleep. For a moment, she felt a thrill of excitement. Nightshadow had visited her in her sleep, as well as spoke to her during the day, if only for a few seconds. She felt special. After all, she bet the other apprentices couldn't say they had a dead cat that spoke to them.

I'll go make dirt, Ravenpaw decided, feeling a stir in her belly, causing the urge to make dirt. She stood up and carefully stepped past the other apprentices' nests.

When Ravenpaw stepped into the clearing, she took in a deep breath. Fresh forest scents filled her nostrils, carrying the distinctive smell of night. She turned to look at the camp entrance, curious to see who was guarding it. Mouseclaw was crouched near the entrance, his ears pricked toward the forest beyond.

Ravenpaw quietly made her way over to the dirtplace. As she made dirt, she remembered the eyes she had scene in the forest a few days earlier. Suddenly, she felt slightly nervous. She felt as though if she looked into the forest she'd see those yellow eyes again.

Maybe I should've told somebody about that, Ravenpaw thought, although she couldn't be think of who she could tell. Maybe Shadepelt? No. I'm nlt sure if he'd believe me. Nobody would.

Ravenpaw glanced warily into the trees beyond the dirtplace, half expecting to see the terrifying eyes. To her relief, there was nothing there. She quickly hurried to the apprentice's den, ready to try and get more sleep.

"Ravenpaw?" A voice softly meowed before she had made it halfway to the den. She glanced back to see Silverflight padding out from the medicine den.

"Yes?" Ravenpaw twitched her ear. She felt odd when she noticed there was a strange look in the silver tabby's blue eyes.

"What are you doing awake? Are you not feeling well?" Silverflight asked. The look in her eyes didn't go away. For some reason, Ravenpaw felt odd beneath the medicine cat's gaze.

" I was just making dirt." Ravenpaw explained. Silverflight tipped her head slightly.

"Are you sure?" She asked. Ravenpaw found herself feeling oddly nervous.

What does she mean? Am I sure that I'm feeling fine, or am I sure that I made dirt?

"Yeah," Ravenpaw meowed, "I'm fine." Why was Silverflight acting like that? Something about the way she was looking at Ravenpaw made her quite anxious.

"Okay," Silverflight nodded slowly, "Just tell me if you're not feeling good, alright?"

"Sure," Ravenpaw said, though she didn't get why Silverflight was being strange. It wasn't like Ravenpaw was sick, nor had she been acting any different. At least, she didn't think she had been. Have I?

"Well, good night then," Silverflight meowed, turning and padding to the dirtplace.

"Goodnight," Ravenpaw meowed quietly, continuing back to the den. She quietly made her way past Sandpaw and Graypaw before flopping down into her nest.

Finally Ravenpaw was beginning to feel as though she could sleep. She pressed her head into her nest and closed her eyes with a quiet sigh. However, Silverflight's oddness still made her feel nervous.

Why was she acting like that? I'm better now, aren't I?

Ravenpaw padded through an unfamiliar part of the forest. She gazed around and suddenly recognized it as they place where she had first met Nightshadow. Her fur prickled with excitement.

"Nightshadow?" She called into the trees. "Are you there?"

"Of course," Nightshadow purred, sliding out from between the trees to stand in front of Ravenpaw. "Do you really think I wouldn't come to greet WoodClan's greatest future warrior?"

Ravenpaw purred and lifted her chin. Joy surged through her. I'm going to be the greatest warrior with his help!

Nightshadow narrowed his eyes, suddenly looking as he was lost in thought. Then his gaze sharpened again. "I have a new move for you to learn, Ravenpaw."

Ravenpaw's ears twitched and she looked at her father. He was a powerful cat and she thought he must know lots of great battle moves.

"Copy what I do," Nightshadow instructed, taking a few steps back from Ravenpaw. He suddenly rolled onto his back with his belly exposed. Ravenpaw watched in confusion.

"Doesn't that just make you more vulnerable?" Ravenpaw asked. Nightshadow rolled back onto his paws and flicked his tail at her.

"Just copy what I did," Nightshadow ordered with an almost amused look on his face. Ravenpaw nodded and rolled onto her own back like her father had. She felt instantly vulnerable.

"Now what?" Ravenpaw asked, a bit nervously. She felt very odd lying on her back in the middle of the strange woods.

"When I attack you, pummel me with your hind paws. If I get close to your front paws, then grab me with your claws and give me a good bite," Nightshadow instructed. Then he leaped at Ravenpaw's exposed belly.

Ravenpaw kicked out with her hind legs as her father reached her, but the black muscular tom dodged them. Then he reared up on his back legs and threw himself down onto Ravenpaw, who thrusted out at him with all fours. Her paws sunk deep into her father's underbelly and she pushed with all her might, managing to throw him off.

Nightshadow stumbled back with a huff. He stood there for a moment and gazed at Ravenpaw. His yellow eyes seemed to have a faint glow to them as he did so.

"You're learning well," Nightshadow commented, his face taking on a pleased expression. "I don't doubt you'll be a strong warrior. The strongest WoodClan has seen is seasons."

Ravenpaw's heart lifted at the praise. Despite her disappointment at not becoming a warrior at the same time as Shadepelt, she felt as though she was on the right path. Not only did her mentor, Thornwhisker, think she'd be a great warrior, but her father's spirit thought so as well.

"Teach me more," Ravenpaw meowed, gazing into her father's glowing yellow eyes. But Nightshadow only shook his head.

"Not now," Nightshadow replied, "There is no more time at the moment. But I'll come back and train you soon. One day you will become the most powerful warrior in the Clan."

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