Chapter ;) Two

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☆~ New girl ~☆

●Chase's P.O.V●

^^Chase Black^^

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^^Chase Black^^

I was walking down the hall and bumped into a soft thing. I heard the person groan and jump up.

"Heyy!! Watch where ya going! Mister" she shouted angrily.

"What did you say to me?" I ask her. Does she not know who I am. She's adorable though the hot type of adorable, but she can't disrespect me like that.

"Wwhhoow April, don't start, his dangerous" her freind....China...I think, whispered.

She just chose to ignore her friend...she has some nerve.

"You heard me jerk. You f*cking made me drop my bag if my phone even has the slightest scratch on it, I swear imma-"

"You going to what" I harshly cut her off.

By now a crowd was forming.

Who is this girl?

"Imma do this" she walks towards me and pushes me on both shoulders.

I slightly move back and anger overwhelms me. I move up to her and grab her neck slightly and stare into her greenish brownish emotionless eyes. She also grabs my neck and attempts to chock me.

Her friends and my friends break us apart. We stare at each others eyes full of hatred.

"Man that girl has some nerve, what you plan on doing to her?" Blake my right hand man asks.

"Nothing" I say simply and start going to my class.

Blake looked shocked, damn, I'm not that cruel.

I only trust my gang, that consists of my closest friends or family, that's Blake my cousin, Suzy my childhood friend, Kaden my half-brother, Jasmine my cousin and Mike my nephew also around my age.

I only trust my gang, that consists of my closest friends or family, that's Blake my cousin, Suzy my childhood friend, Kaden my half-brother, Jasmine my cousin and Mike my nephew also around my age

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