Chapter .-. Eleven

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~☆ Kissed?☆~

○Chase's P.O.V○

I shouldn't have opened up. I'm such an idiot. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm done with emotions. I hear April's foot steps close behind me.

"Chase!" She yells that several times, then jumps in front me, causing me to stop.

"What do you want?" I harshly ask.

"I...I...didn't mean it like that.....l just think it would be better, if we avoid each other, for our safety" she says, I said that last night.....did she over hear Blake and I.

"Okay, great" I say shoving my hands into my pocket and shrug.

"Chase, I'm really sorry" she says

"Whatever, you have no reason to be" I say pushing myself past her.

I have no idea why I'm feeling this way, I should be glad.

I carry on walking, but feel a lot of guilt. I walk back to the school and lessons have already started. I walk into my class and everyone stares.

"Well, well, well-" Mrs Andrews says.

"Shove it" I say cutting her off

I take a seat, then April walks in.

"I'm so so sorry, mam, I still get lost, guess I still don't know the school properly" she says

So much for avoiding April.

I have to sit next to her for the whole lesson.

**********5 days later**********

I won't lie, it's been hard avoiding, April. I'm missing our, weird fights, us frowning at each other, her standing up to me, but most of all I miss her.. I fucking hate hormones.

"How is she? Who's she be talking to? Does she even talk about me? What's she been up to lately?" I ask China and Blake.

"Stop with the questions?" China says covering her ears.

"Why don't you just go ask her?"

"She said she wanted her space"

I walk away to my car before they can say anything. I drive off slowly making sure to spot April before dashing of.

□Blake's P.O.V□

Chase looked pretty sad when he left. I kiss China passionately, and we say our goodbyes, God I love her. Yes, I love her.

When I arrive at Chase's house, I look for him. He's not at his usual places, I shout out his name. No response. I walk aroung the house for a few minutes. It's awfully quiet. I suddenly hear glass breaking, I head towards the noise and it Chase at the bar (they have an indoor bar). He's breaking the empty beer bottles, that he probably drank.

He gubbles down the remainder of beer that was in his current bottle and breaks the bottle. He drinks but never this much.

"Chase!" I yell

He turns and his hands are wounded and bleeding. He glares at me the carries on breaking bottles.

"Stop! Why are you doing this?"

He stops, but then he continues. He keeps mumbling something.

"Stop!" I yell grabbing him. He pushes me back causing me to hit my jaw against the floor. That hurt a whole fucking lot, blood then flows out of my mouth. Fuck

I know he said i shouldn't but, I take out my phone and dail her number.

I need your help.

♡April's P.O.V♡

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