Fuck off!!

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Your p.o.v

I woke up cuddled up to Dari. Then I got up out of bed and grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom and took a shower.

I got out of the bathroom with a towel around my body then I was surprised by Dari as he grab my waist and kissed me on the check and gave a little chuckle in my ear then he let go and walked away and smiled at me. I smiled and grabbed my phone off the charger and walked downstairs to see the boys already eating as usual and Aurelia still cooking.

Dari called me over to sit next to him and Aurelia handed me a plate but I wasnt really hungry so I didnt finish my plate but Dari took my plate and ate what i didnt eat and finished it. Me and the bro's went into the living room to chill. Lucas sat on the floor and curled up into a ball, while Cyrus and Marcus sat down on the big couch, and me and Dari on the smaller couch. Then we ended up watching a movie.

(2 hours later)

The movie ended and Dari fell asleep and I looked at my phone to see what time it was and it was 10:14am so I asked "Does anyone wanna go to the park?" Marcus jumped up and said "ME!" I laughed and said "ok." He seemed to be feeling better. I looked over at Dari and he was out cold then Cyrus said "He'll be fine just go." 

I nodded my head and walked over to the door to but my shoes on and Marcus grabbed hes shoes and we walked to the park that was at the middle school.

We got to the park and me and Marcus both ran to the swings and started to swing then he jumped of his and started to push me. Then Marcus saw the monkey bars and stopped pushing me, so I ran over to the monkey bars where Marcus went. Marcus tried to do them but he was to tall so he climbed on top of it and did a backflip off of it almost falling. Then Marcus said "You try to do them sense your shorter than me."

 I smacked him playfully on the arm and hopped up on the platform and but my hands on the second bar and jumped off the platform and Marcus was right I couldn't touch the ground so I made it to the middle when Marcus got under me and but me on he's shoulders.

Then we made it to the other side where he put me down and we both ran around the park going down the slides and swinging. It was fun then I got my phone off the bench where I left it and saw the time and saw it was 1:37pm and I had 4 miss calls from Dari and 7 messages.

 Me and Marcus headed back to the house and we got to the front of the house and Dari threw the door open and stared at me so I walked in the house and Dari just continued to stare then he signaled me upstairs and I walked slowly up the stairs behind Dari and then we reached his room.

Dari opened the door and pulled me by my arm and threw me in and I hit the wall then Dari walked over to me and said "We didnt you wake me?!" I looked at him and said "Cause you were sleeping peacefully," and as I tired to get up Dari pushed me down again, then he said "I called and texted you and you didnt answer." 

I looked down at the ground trying to figure out what to say then Dari kicked my side and said "Why didnt you answer!" I looked him in the eye and said with tears in my eyes "Cause my phone wasnt on me!" Dari nodded hes head and held out his hand I grabbed it and instead of helping me up he pushed me to the corner of the bed and I hit my head.

I started to cry and screamed "What the FUCK!!!" Dari laughed and said "Shut up and go get yourself cleaned up!" as he went and got me a towel and I took the towel and Dari walked out and I helped myself up and walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower again, crying and looking at my side knowing its gonna leave a bruise.

(30 minutes later)

I got out of the shower and I got changed into some comfy clothing and I walked down the stairs and I only saw Lucas, "What a shocker." I thought and waved to Lucas as I got a glass of water and walked downstairs to their basement and walked into the room with the ping pong table and sat down on the floor in the corner and pulled out my phone and scrolled through insta.

I started thinking on why Dari gets so mad at the smallest things but I just couldn't figure it out so I shook it of and continued looking through social media until someone walked into the room. 

I looked up and it was Dari he had flowers and got down next to me and said "I'm sorry I shouldn't have acted the way I did and I'll tell you why I get so mad easily but right now I can't but for now will you forgive me?" I nodded my head, hopeful he'll tell me why soon, and layed down on Dari's lap and we smiled at each other and I drifted of to sleep.

Dari's p.o.v

I felt so bad but I didnt know how to tell y/n but I guess I'm gonna have to now but not today, I looked down to see y/n asleep so I pick her up and carry her upstairs and up to my room and layed her down and turn off the light and close the door.

I walk downstairs and see the bro's at the table and Cyrus asked "Are you okay?!" and I nodded my head as I said, "What time is it?" And Lucas said "8:14pm" I thought for a moment, wow today went by fast, and said "damn" Cyrus looked at me and said, "What?" I shook my head and said, "Just tired." He nodded, so I turned around and walked away up the stairs heading to my room. I stopped and thought for a moment to listen because I thought I heard soft crying.

I opened up the door slowly and I see y/n sitting on the side of the bed, softly crying into her palms. So I walk over to her and wrapped my arm around her. She started to cry harder into my chest. 

I pulled her in more ,asking, "Are you okay?!" She looked up and shook her head, no, so I moved her as close as I possibly could to me and rubbed her back, within 5 minutes she stopped crying and fell asleep. So I layed her down again, kissing her forehead, then cuddling up next to her. Then I fell asleep.

Your p.o.v

I woke up again and looked at my phone and saw the time, 1:27 am, I thought to myself for a moment making sure I really want to do this. Then I looked down to see Dari and his hand around my waist. So I carefully moved his hand off, grabbed my phone, and one of Dari's hoodies. Then I quietly walked downstairs and grabbed my wallet and put my shoes on, I took one last look at the house, took a deep breathe, then walked out shutting the door behind me. Not looking back.


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