Chapter 1

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"Kill him already!" Bella said whilst shouting in my face. I Hesitated. Show No mercy show no weakness. "AVADA KEDAVA!" I shouted the spell. I killed the boy six maybe seven not even giving him a chance in life. We'll I didn't get one either so why should he?!

I blocked those memories out of my mind. Giving me my expressionless face on. "Come on now better get going before the ministry gets here." Just then Cornilius Fudge walked in. "Bella Lestranix good seeing you again."

I hide behind the couch as More people started entering taking Bella away. I Held my breath. Just leave just leave. "Where's the girl?!" someone asked. "Alex Carson." I looked up from my hiding spot. "Fudge." I nodded my head.

Kingsley grabbed me from behind and I struggled to get out of his grip.I finally pulled out of Kingsley's grip and kicked him in the nuts. I pushed fat man Fudge down. "Good seeing you too Fudge!" I yelled as I ran out the door and on to the street listening to the screams of 'GET HER.'

I ran through the woods on a trail a few hours later. I scrummaged through a trash can I found. "Foooood!"I whispered. It was an old banana and some crackers.

I shoved it down my throat fast. I had scars and bruises everywhere blood was dripping down my face but I wasn't scared I really wasn't the type of person to get scared I just didn't want to get caught.

I had Long dark brown almost black ratty hair it hasn't been brushed in ages. I had dirt everywhere and I smelled. There was dirt so far up my finger nails they were black. My clothes had holes in them. I walked down some more of the trail. I started getting dizzy. I walked around until I passed out on a bench.


I woke up the next morning to birds chirping and nature. I scowled. I sometimes wish I could wake up to that somewhere else with a mum and a dad but I tried not to think about it. Bella told me that crying and being upset was showing of weakness. I haven't cried since I was 6 when I was beaten to the pulp by drake.

I pushed those thoughts out of my mind too. I walked along the trail until I found a hill with rocks. I sat on a big rock a looked at the water beneath it. I took some rocks and threw them into the lake. I relaxed for a moment thinking about Bella if she managed to get away.

She had told me about Voldemort but she said I had to wait till I was older since I was only ten to become a Death Eater. My stomach growled making me snap back into reality. I found a rock that was shaped like a heart. "Love." I muttered under my breath. I threw the rock into another pile of rocks making it shatter into a million pieces.

"Miss Carson." I whipped my head around to see.

Did you guess it?

The one and only.

Mr. Cornilius Motherfudgeing Fudge.

I looked up into his eyes. I had to think of a plan and quick. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the rocks. I saw blood trickle down his forehead. I started to run up the hill but I found that a guy with a weird eye, Kingsley and other normal people in robes.

"Shit." I mumbled. The man with the eye grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me towards the group. "OI GET YOUR NASTY HANDS OF ME!" I yelled. He smirked at me. I felt like I was going through a tube. I landed somewhere with eye guy.

It seemed to be some kind of court there were people in black robes and some in red. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a man with a long silver beard. I saw fudge in a higher chair then everyone else with a plaster over his forehead. I smirked. I was pushed into a chair and invisible ropes held me down.

"Fourteen." He said. "Fourteen innocent lives gone because of this 10 year old girl. I scrunched my nose. This man is sooo annoying. I put on a expressionless face as if the killings didn't bother me.

"All in favor of putting Alex Dawn Carson in Azkaban say I." "I." I." Almost everyone in the rooms had said I. "Well thanks." I muttered. "What if she goes to Hogwarts with me?" Silverbeard stated. "No the she is far to dangerous what if she kills someone."

"We'll Fudge I-." "I'm right here ya know!" I stated. "Everyone whipped the heads at me. "She is going to Azkaban and that's final."

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