Chapter 1 The New Girl of Hill Valley

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Marty's POV:

I have just come back from a long time travelling adventure. Specifically, I just came back from 1885. That was an exciting time. I never thought Doc would really carry out his plan to go to 1885, but you know, some things don't really change. Or do they? My life is still as good as it was when I came back from 1955 the first time. Jennifer is the only person who really thought that anything was wrong with me. I mean I time travelled, but other than that, nothing was wrong. In fact, everything seemed perfect at the time. The DeLorean is old news. Doc hasn't been around for awhile, so I hang out with Jennifer and the band guys most of the time. Ryan Kelly is our newest member and he is one of the coolest guys that I know. He plays just about every instrument that I can think of and he is really good with cars. Biff has recently opened his own shop for cars and Ryan has a job there. Supposedly, he has this super cute girlfriend too. I haven't met her, but I'm sure that she is just as cute as he says she is. I jump on my skateboard and skate off to school. My girlfriend waits outside for me on the steps just like she always does. I walk inside with her and we chat about meaningless things until she bring up an interesting topic.

"A new girl is here today," Jennifer states and I whip my head around to look at her.

"A new girl? Every kid in Hill Valley comes here and no one new has moved into town recently. What do you mean that there's someone new?" I asks and Jennifer shrugs.

"That's just the word on the street, Marty. I don't know what else to tell you," She says. I smile at her and when none of the staff are looking, I peck her on the lips. Jennifer rolls her eyes at me as we continue down the hall. "You are going to get us in trouble one of these days, Marty," She says as she grabs her books for first period. I follow after her and into my history class. The class begins with current events. Jennifer and I sit next to each other, so all I did was kiss her cheek when the teacher wasn't looking and whisper things that make her blush in her ear. She eventually nudges me and points to the screen. Once the current events finish, the teacher goes on and on about some politics or other while I keep sneaking looks at Jennifer. After a long session of history lecture, the bell rings. I am packing up my things when I hear a girl's voice say loudly,

"I said back off!" I turn and notice Needles and his gang harassing a young girl. I don't recognize her and she seems to be having trouble getting away from the boys. The girl is just trying to grab her things and leave. She is a short girl with bright red hair tucked up into a small bun at the nape of her neck. I hear Needles say slyly,

"Only if you go out with me." I stand off to the side and watch, preparing to intervene in case he actually does something stupid. The girl snarls back at him,

"Thank you for asking, but I already have a boyfriend." Needles's face darkens significantly and he grabs onto her upper arm.

"Yeah, you're gonna forget that boyfriend. I'm your boyfriend now!" Needles demands and I step up to intervene.

"Needles, you don't get girls by forcing them to date you. Girls don't like that stuff. I bet she will tell all of her friends and then every girl in Hill Valley will want to date anyone else, but you," I announce and the girl looks slightly revealed. "Besides, picking on girls is a low thing to do and nobody, especially the girls, approves of that." Needles's face reddens and he slams his hand on the desk closest to him.

"Only you can say that, Big M," Needles growls, "That does not apply to me." He reaches for the girl again and she slaps his hand away...hard.

"You try to touch me again and my boyfriend will bring his friends and they will hurt you," The girl growls back and I stand there, watching. Needles grabs the girl into an overbearing hug and I reach up and punch him in the face. The girl falls free and I grab her arm before she collides with the desk. "Thanks," She mutters quickly before shooting a nasty look back in Needles's direction. Needles has keeled over onto the desk behind him, but he has a furious look in his eye when he stands up to his full height. He shakes his head at me and leaves. I head for the door and he whirls around.

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