Chapter 3 Time Trouble

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"Doc?" I gasp and his gray brow furrows. Lindsey puts down whatever she was doing, grabs a large wrench and walks over towards Doc and I. I ignore her and turn back to Doc when suddenly, I feel the something pinch the sleeve of my jean jacket...hard.

"Marty, what is going on here? I thought we had the discussion that you were to watch the house while I was gone, not allow it to be robbed!" Doc scolds me. Lindsey smirks and she moves the wrench so that it pinches my skin. I close my eyes and take a breath. This is going to take some serious explaining to keep everyone from hurting each other.

" I wouldn't ask questions if I were you, sir," Lindsey advises and looks down at the wrench, "Marty here could really suffer. You would hate to see that happen, wouldn't you?" Doc thinks about it for a second. He peeks around Lindsey and I to see the new DeLorean.

"Marty, you destroyed the DeLorean," says Doc apprehensively, "Didn't you? I saw the remains with my own two eyes." Lindsey shoots me a glare and I am almost sure that the wrench pinches a little bit tighter onto my skin. I wince and Lindsey smirks.

"I did, but..." I start to say, but the wrench squeezes even tighter. How could she possibly make it squeeze any tighter than she is already? I glance up at her and sigh in defeat.

"Well..." Doc starts, "I come back and I see that there is a DeLorean sitting in my garage. Where did it come from? You know how reckless time traveling can be, Marty!" I groan, but Lindsey keeps a tight hold on me. Finally, she and Doc make eye contact. 

"So, you're the famous Doctor Emmet Brown! A pleasure to meet you. If you can't tell, I really appreciate your work," Lindsey says, a maniacal chuckle hiding in the tone of her voice.

"Oh, thank you! Not one of my finest works I should say, but it was fun when people weren't in lots of danger. It is a pleasure to meet you too and I don't believe that I caught your name," Doc replies and Lindsey's chuckle becomes a little bit more audible.

"That's not important," She says quickly before letting me go and hurrying over to the DeLorean, "Do you mind helping me with something with the car?"

"Doc! Don't listen to her!" I yell and Lindsey shoots me a glare. I push myself up off the floor and hurry over to them, "She's trying to force me to take her somewhere!" Doc's eyes widen and he turns to face Lindsey.

"Young lady, you do realize how dangerous time travel is, correct?" Doc asks and Lindsey crosses her arms.

"What's life without a little risk? I like there to be trouble involved," says Lindsey, eyeing Doc and then eyeing me.

"Yes, but time trouble is an entirely different kind of trouble," Doc argues, "Do you have any idea what you are getting into?" Lindsey shrugs again.

"I don't have to know as long as I get what I want," She answers and I give a small shudder. How can she possibly think that Doc is going to just let her have free reign of time travel and the DeLorean? Nothing about that is safe. She could screw up her entire future and anything related to Hill Valley if she goes off time traveling.

"That doesn't make time traveling right!" I say and Doc nods his head.

"If anything, my dear, you are going to more trouble just to time travel when you could face the now as it happens," Doc explains and Lindsey glares at him harshly.

"Fine," She complies, but something sinister flickers across her eye. Something that I have seen flicker in the eyes of her father and her ancestors. I guess anger issues run in the family. In one swift motion, Lindsey grabs the same wrench she used on me and whacks Doc over the head with it. Doc falls to the ground unconscious. I immediately grab the wrench out of her hand while she revels in her success.  Lindsey grabs at it, but I hold it away from her.

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