Chapter Two - Mission Weird?

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Opening my eyes , I instantly feel drowsy from the lack of sleep i had the night before . I unwrap my hand from Leo's and pull out a pair of blue jean capris , mid-sleve striped shirt and some dirty white converse . Having to look nice for tonight , even though everyone knows our orphanage is a piece of crap , I unfortunately do not want to be stopped on the street while walking kids to another orphanage in the middle of the night . Ms . Jenkins would do more than kill me , and if she found out Crays was in this , lets just say even FBI would have a hard time finding whats left of our bodies.

I walk to the rusted bathroom downstairs and see Ms. Jenkins passed out with a beer bottle in her hand on the floor , goodie I have to walk past that emotional mess . Silently pass her not wanting to deal with her hangover just yet , I mean its only twelve p.m and most of the kids are up already , but really who would want to see Ms. Jenkins vomiting on the floor and forcing us to clean it up . I quickly change and run the worn out brush through my hair trying to banish all the messy looking nots I might I have , right when i'm done Katie walks in with her plastic bag containing her toothbrush and toothpaste .

"UGH UHHHHHH!" looks like Ms. Jenkins is awake from her unfortunately short sleep

"M-Mckenzie i'm scared!" Katie crys while dropping her bag in shock

"WHAT ARE YOU TWREPS LOOKING AT ? CLEAN THIS UP !" woah Ms. Jenkins on a roll this time

I hold Katie in my arms and carry her to the window , sitting her down I slightly open the old hinge on the Window frame and BAM it's open. Katie looks confused just staring at the light blue sky above us , I tap her shoulder and point out to the woods , all the kids knew the sign for this , it meant Crays or I chose you to be able to leave this hell hole .

"I get to leave ?" Katie asks hope shining in her blue eyes

I nod yes

"When , now ?"

I nod no and pull out and little piece of paper with the time

"I love you so much Mckenzie !" I just let her hug me while she crys tears of joy

"I SAID CLEAN ! " Ms . Jenkins yells at some poor innocent kid in the hall

"Haha we should probably take that kid too . " Katie jokes untill Crays walks in

I let go of Katie and follow Crays to our usual metting place , the old teaching room , it has a black board with chalk that I can write with . We walk to the end of the building and unlock the door with our specially made key and close it once were in . I jump on the dusty wooden desk and pick up the chalk , ready to start our conversation on who is leaving the orphanage today . Crays looks ready to put the mission in action as he already has his trusty purple bandana tied around his blonde hair .

"Okay girls leaving tonight ?" Crays asks juggling a bouncy ball

I start writing the names eagerly ( a/n : the names will be in bold for who she is taking)




Zara and Tamsin


Dropping the chalk to the floor I turn to see Crays stunned and the bouncy ball falling out of his hand . His expression changes between anger and sadness and open and closes his mouth like a fish out of water for the next minute or two before I even hear a squeak of his voice come out .

"You're , you're taking Katie?" he asks confused and furthering his eyebrows

Yes. I write on the board with a new piece of chalk

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