The average day

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Virgil's POV
Patton, Roman, Logan, and I were all standing from the mind palace watching Thomas create a video which was nice but he kept messing up he's not doing good at it. If he post this they will laugh at him and no longer watch his videos he will lose popularity. I feel myself start to panic I grab the stairs railing. Thomas sighs as he messes up the words again he turns off the camera and I can feel the anxiety coming off of him, did I d- "anxiety!" I turn to my right and there's Roman looking angry as ever he looks at my hand "stop that!" "Wai-" "what is up every body..." I zone out as Thomas restarted making the video I made him anxious about his videos and Roman I glance at him he has his right hand in a weird way like ... he has control! I quickly turn to Logan he hates it when one of the sides has full control of Thomas I reach my hand out to tap Logan but there's a feeling in my stomach if I tell him I'm bothering him and I would be snitching on Roman he would hate me they all would hate me I CANT I CANT I-I "anxiety?" I look up Thomas has the camera off and is now looking at me well kinda I'm still in the mind palace so I guess he can tell I'm panicking and he's looking where I usually stand I feel my breath quicken I can't I can t let them see me like this my knees give out and I fall to the ground I can feel myself start to shake.
Patton's POV
It's was the normal day, Thomas making a video and all of us standing around in the mind palace, when we are there it still impacts him so he has a sense of logic and creativity and so on. As we watched Thomas, he kept messing up but they weren't big mistakes nothing a little editing can't fix I could tell Thomas was feeling a little anxious and upset about the mistakes bit that's fine that's normal then I heard "anxiety!" In a loud booming voice coming from Roman I turn he's yelling at anxiety wait did he make Thomas panic but why yell at him he cant really help it I kinda ignore it until Thomas finishes most of the video turns off the camera and grabs his chest "anxiety?" He sounds panicked and confused I quickly turn to him and boom he drops to the ground. MY SON! I quickly run to him "hey anxiety are you ok?" I go to touch him he jumps back a bit "anxie-" he groans and throws his hood on he quickly runs upstairs and slams his door shut. I still just sit there where he was "oh." I hear Roman scoff "just another day in the life in anxiety. Always being so dramatic and running off." He turns back to Thomas and holds his hand out majestically I roll my eyes all he ever wants is control. Logan puts his hand up as well great just the average day these two are going to fight over dominance again.
    ( hello jellybeans sorry I forgot to mention but this story is set before they know his name I hope you enjoy. Ps sorry for not updating my old stories I've been having writers block and dealing with depression so I keep thinking I need to write something sad sorry)

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