Get me out of this hell hole

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Virgil's POV
I stormed into my room and let the panic attack sink in I fall to the ground with my back against the door I began to shake as I try to stop my self from crying. I now have no control over my breathing as a few stray tears stream down my face. I try to stop and calm down but I can't my mind keeps running and moving I can't keep it still I can't calm down, my breath hitches and I let out a loud sob. I've blown it they can probably hear me they now know I'm panicking they know I'm weak they probably pity me I don't want there pity I just want there l-. My breath hitches again I bring my knees to my chest and lay my head across them. someone please tell me this is a dream and wake me from it
Roman's POV
Shorty after anxiety stormed off Thomas went into a panic attack great I swear to god all this guy does is sit in his room and presses a button about million times and makes Thomas panic. I feel my temper began to rise sometimes I have no control over my temper but really come on I'm creativity you can't hold me down or stop me Im meant to run free. As Patton and Logan help Thomas with his panic attack I head up stairs to anxiety's room I go to knock on the door till I hear a loud sob. Huh? Is he crying? I lean my ear to the door to get a better listen. Then I hear a quit "breath... just breath y-you didn't mess up just-" there's a pause then another sob "god get your self together no wonder they all hate you." Wait does he really think we don't like him but that's not tru- I remember all the times I made fun of him and called him names. Shit. I take a deep breath and get ready to knock on his door wait he wouldn't want to see me right now he probably hates me right now. I sigh. Wait I snap my fingers and I'm disguised as Patton there we go. I knock on the door "anxiety?" I hear a sharp breath and a thud? "W-who who is it? And what do you want?" "It's me Patton silly." Is that something Patton would say idk "I just came to make sure your ok k-kiddo" it feels so weird to say kiddo but I hope my acting skills came into play and made me sound convincing.
    The door slowly creaks open a crack there's anxiety peaking out and looking at me he looks me up and down like he can tell I'm not Patton. Shit has this plan already failed. He walks into his room and lets the door swing open he keeps his back turned towards me as I follow him in "Patton. How many times am I going to tell you behind the yellow line... please." I look down there's a yellow box of tape around the door I take two steps back into it I run the back of my neck "sorry k-kiddo" "ITS.... fine"
       he sighs keeping his back towards me god this is awkward how does Patton do this then finally he breaks the silence "hey Patton... um thanks for stoping in... IM OK just... just you know." No I don't "did Thomas panic did you yell at Roman or.... did you not even notice?" I want to say something but I don't. I don't know what to say or what to do for once in my life I don't know how to be the hero. Anxiety begins to turn his head towards me then stops and shakes his head he walks further into the darkness of his room and sits on only what I can assume to be his bed his room is so dark how does he stay in here like this? He sighs "I'm sorry ... I'm just a fuck up who was created and ....... god what is wrong with me?" Something in me keeps telling me to be the hero to go comfort him but the other part is saying "don't he's the villain he caused Thomas a panic attack he's so attention seeking just tell him the truth and leave." But I tune out the other voice i am a hero I will save this vandal in distress I ignore the line and run over to him and sit next to him on the bed and rap on arm around him pulling him close to me "anxiety there is nothing wrong with you true everyone messes up now and again but that don't make you a fuck up I mean look at me I mess up a lot to no ones perfect" I hate to have to say this but I know it will probably make him feel better I lean close to his ear and whisper "even the "great Roman" makes mistakes" he lightly chuckles and wipes away a few tears "thanks Patton I appreciate it.... you can go now but... I next time will come to you when I feel my self panic before the panic attack arrives" he lets a few more tears fall out "I lightly rub his back "well I'm gonna go ahead and go bye kiddo" I pat his back and stand to leave I'm almost out the door when I feel something grab me I stop and turn around and there anxiety sleeves pulled  his hands and dropping down he's not looking at me he has his hood over his head and and head towards the ground he has his arms out like he's asking for a hug. AWWWW HE LOOKS LIKE A LITTLE KID THATS SO CUT- wait what was about to say I look at anxiety again *badump* I quickly hug him tightly and leave as quick as I can I rush into my room and transform back into myself do I like anxiety!?
    Anxiety's POV
    As Patton leaves I sigh god I'm so stupid I let him in he probably thinks I'm crazy or I'm physic-odic. Don't get me wrong Patton is a great guy he helps Thomas during a panic attack then comes to me to see if I'm ok but he only cares about Thomas he checks if I'm ok so I don't hurt and mess up Thomas anymore. He doesn't care none of them do he even forgot to hug me when he left. He forgot. He forgot and he doesn't care. No one cares this is a horrible nightmare that someone needs to wake me up from please somebody one get me out of this hell hole. I curl in on my self into a small ball on my bed quietly crying. Please save me.
  (Hello jelly beans I hope you enjoyed like comment share and follow me I love all your support thanks and stay tuned for the next chapter.)

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