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Harry's POV:

"Whoa, Harry.. you wanna pick a war just to get Zayn?!! Who says we're ready?" Liam said while I was putting my coat and crown on.

"I don't care, the war was coming either way, and I want to be the one who strikes the match." I said opening the door, and leaving the room. Before Liam could say any other word.


Third person's POV:

Harry headed to his father room, he knocked on the door and got in, and to his surprise, his father was lying in bed, pale with heavy dark circles under his eyes.

The royal family doctor was standing beside him.

"What's going on in here?" He asked his mother who was sitting beside his father.

She stood up and pulled him toward the big glassy window on the other side of the room.

"Harry, I wasn't going to tell you. But your father is really sick, yesterday night, a stroke, and the doctor said..." she sniffed, took a breath and exhaled it, "He said.. he may got another one. And he's not sure if your father.. he's not sure if your father would survive it." She put her hand over her mouth and cried silently.

Harry pulled his mother into his arms, looking at the blue sky from the window, although the sun was shining bright, A heavy storm was occuring in his mind.

He turned to his father; got closer to him. The king looked so tired and somehow older.

"Father? How are you?" He asked him, moving his hand gently up and down his sleeve.

"Well, I'm leaving soon, I'm leaving you my boy." He took a deep breath.

"Don't talk much your majesty. Talking isn't good for you right now." The doctor said and my dad nodded but continued.

"Take care of your mother and sister. They're depending on you. England depends on you. Be a good leader, Harry." He started coughing and breathing heavily.

"Dad please don't talk like that." I didn't want to hear him talking like he's saying goodbye.

"It's inevitable, son. Death is inevitable."

It was in the middle of the night when it happened. Harry was moving in his bed, to the left then to the right, on his back; not being able to fall asleep, when he heard a scream.

He got up as fast as he could, and ran to his parent's room. His father was lying on his bed just like he left him in the morning, with his eyes open. And on the ground beside the bed, was a broken glass.

His mother was standing over him, crying and screaming. He started crying too. His father, his lovely father was dead.

He approached his mom and pulled her away from his body, she was screaming "No!" But he pulled her with his strong left arm, as he clossed his father's opened dead eyes with his right one.

He cried harder; holding his mother, while the people of the castle started to get in the room.


That was a bit emotional to write. What do you think?

Love you. And please make sure you say "I love you" to your father, mother or sibling before it's late.


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